Rogan gets Facebook to admit the FBI told them to censor Hunter's laptop thus interfering in the election again

Just one more piece of the overwhelming evidence that the FBI is a dem hack org that interferes in our elections. And we all know nothing will be done about it. It’s sad I’m forced to pay to have these dishonest people remove my rights.

But, my question to facebook is when the FBI lied and told you that Hunters laptop was probably part of the russian disinformation just like in 2016, why didn’t they ask to see the Russian disinformation spread in 2016 that effected the outcome? Because that’s been a big talking point from the left and we’ve never seen much of it. Certainly not enough to counter the effects of HIllary billion dollar election campaign.

So, Zuck can blame the FBI all he wants but it’s obvious they did not question the FBI’s request to end free speech for American’s right before the election because facebook wanted to censor the story. Now he’s trying to gets some creds back. Won’t happen.


Suckerberg did pay hundreds of millions of (D)ollars for these government whores. They had best give him something in return. :rofl:


Who’s surprised? Anyone??

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How about that?!!!

Does this open anyone’s eyes that have been closed as to what’s going on with the man behind the curtain…that has been stated here and denied?

How many years ago did I make a thread saying that I see something that’s happened to our country, that’s very scary. What I thought I was seeing, were the top levels of government agencies, illegally colluding together to promote their ideological agenda.



Surprised the FBI did it or surprised Zuckermutt admitted it?

I guess there are two different things here to consider.


I was surprised Zuckerberg said that on the Podcast.

I cannot understand why he would do that. As Schumer said they have six ways and Sunday to get you. They don’t give credits for drop box donations.

That is a lose lose move.

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Only thing I can think of is to radicalize the right in the hopes they get violent and can then be disposed of.

That’s the only thing you can think of?


It wasn’t in his best interests or the FBI best interest.

Meanwhile the gop is trying to find a cop who is willing to take a payoff to hurt or a kill a citizen so there are riots right before an election

Do you see how ridiculous you sound?

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And let me guess, you were labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist” by the Liberals?

I would appreciate it if Liberals would give us a list of new Conspiracy Theories, as my old ones have all been proven true.

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