ROD’S RESCUE: Paul Ryan FREEZES GOP Effort to Impeach Rosenstein | Sean Hannity

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan threw cold-water on GOP legislators’ recent push to file articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein; saying “I don’t think we should be cavalier with this process.”

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It’s time to get Ryan OUT. This move makes me wonder what they have on Ryan. It’s now time for President Trump to demand the release of ALL documents and let the chips fall where they may. President Trump: STOP LISTENING TO THOSE WITH HIDDEN AGENDA’S. WE, The People, demand answers!

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I smell a rat, Boehner is telling Ryan if you want to make big bucks stop the republicans from impeaching Rosenstein. I know Boehner is getting big bucks he gave Obama everything he wanted and now he was paid back. I do not trust the progressives.

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Agree! But he’s STAYING in his position until January! Can President Trump make him leave now? We need somebody in there who will help President Trump NOT hinder him! I am mad as h$LL at paul ryan and even trey gowdy for this!!!

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Speaker Ryan is part of the problem! You knew this was going to happen. I won’t give a dime to the Republican Party.

Good for Ryan. I was starting to wonder if he had a spine. It’s starting to look like he has developed one.

It began to form as soon as he announced he wasn’t running again.


Paul Ryan should have stepped down as speaker of the house the moment he decided he was no longer going to be a Republican. This is outrageous. If you don’t want GOP voters to vote for you anymore, you should resign your position of leadership.

I’m done with all Republicans, weak, gutless and they’re only objective is to better themselves. They don’t have our best interest in mind, it’s about them and the biggest reason I will not favor any political party. They know we’re going to vote for them in the midterm elections, they bank on our vote and then sale us out to the left. I’ll still vote for Trump but if he’s worried about votes he’s not the candidate I thought he was. Fire all of the DOJ involved in the Russia investigation and let the chips fall where they may.
DO YOUR JOB TRUMP!! You had no problem on your TV show.

And the political theater continues. I almost feel bad for people who were duped into think Rosenstein would be impeached. Almost.

WTH is going on? Ryan protecting the sewer rats? Again? Why are we not getting the subpoened documents JW and others have requested, and why so many redactions? This cannot go on to the elections as the DOJ and other swamp/sewer rats want as lack of discovery will change America’s mind of how they vote. I am angry at our system and our legislators - are all but a very few corrupt?

Screw impeachment, that was only window dressing from these MORONIC republicans. I’ve said from the start we would find out how many of these republicans duped they’re supporters, now will start finding out how many are actually in bed with the liberals. TRUMP FIRE ALL OF THEM!!! If this keeps going on like it is your the one that will be remembered as the President that let our Constitution get shredded and the blood of all Americans freedom will be on your hands!!! Sleep on that Donald.

Im starting to like these admin posts. Seeing these one off comments is kinda fun.

Where did all these new posters come from

The main site.

The reason why we have all these admin posts is so they can act as comment section for articles.

Ah. So if you comment on the main site it shows here too?

Yup. When you go to comment, it actually takes you to the admin’s forum post.

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So Ryan is ok with the DOJ not turning over documents necessary for Congress to do their job? What is the purpose of Congress?