Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Switching to Independent Candidate

Testing and diagnosis.


What a sad family. Almost as dysfunctional as the Biden’s.

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I mean he could have raised his kid to smoke crack…


It isn’t vaccines… it has been studied to death.

Vaccines do not cause autism.

New research is looking at BPA in plastics.

Or sell influence? :man_shrugging:


Or steal from children’s cancer charities.

Which of the Bidens are Brandon co-conspirators or scheduled to testify against dear old dad?

Trump was a dem.

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:rofl: Joe Rogan is not “right-wing.”

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Or rob his daughter’s college fund to buy crack.


Nobody knows.

The theory is it is the amount of vaccines. Their liability exemption is also a problem.

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And a Republican. Mostly Republican.

I know telling one’s self that is self-soothing.

You’ve never listened to him. It’s okay.


It’s not and it isn’t.

“The amount of vaccines” is meaningless

It’s based in people being taught as children that too much of a good thing is bad.

It could be. It often is. It doesn’t always have to be.

But it’s easy to prey on the thought process.

“The sheer number of vaccines we are giving to children. Think about it people. Just think about it!!”

Whoop. Hannity rolled Kennedy under the bus tonight, and Jr didn’t know how to handle that :joy:

Serious answer: my bet has always been on micro evolution in reverse.

Nature hasn’t been culling the stupidest among us in a long time.

It is a reasonable theory.

It is not anti vax.

We do need to be more thoughtful about what maybe the issue.

Uh no. Mostly dem.