RIP Michael Constantine

94, wow, a life well lived. I always enjoyed this actor’s performance, from guest spots in the Quinn Martin productions like The Streets of San Francisco to the gypsy in Stephen King’s Thinner.

Rest In Peace

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I remember loving Rm 222- it was on at the same time I was in High School, so it was very relevant to me. And who could forget My Big Fat Greek Wedding?

I’m sorry to hear that he died, but Gad! did I hate that movie. :grimacing:

Romantic comedies generally aren’t my thing, so I didn’t see that one.

But he was a gem in Stephen King’s Thinner. Some time after watching thinner, where a driver who accidentally hit Mr. Constantine’s gypsy character was cursed to emaciation with the whispered word “thinner”, Mr. King was accidentally hit by a motorist. A couple of us were wondering if the motorist would be cursed :flushed:

Constantine’s character was hilarious.

Just watched him in “The Hustler” on TCM Sat night.