(RINO'S) Republicans for the Rule of Law

Nope, he means mayors and governors who are trying to slow the spread of COVID19.

I agree. I disagree with RINO. The vast majority of republicans are not conservative. CINO.

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He can’t. He can’t even vote against him.

Had your picture taken with him as a kid.
Me, I sat a talked with him about his idea’s. Now tell me which one of us had an idea of what he really believed in.

Did you complain this much when your man Obama was an authoritarian and went around congress and used power he did not have to write law? Remember DACA. He also did all this without the authorization of congress. I seem to remember silence and excuses from libs when Obama started using the office of President to get around congress.

We already know that this is a false statement when they are allowing abortion centers, liquor stores and other places to stay open. This has nothing to do with slowing the spread of Covid. This has to do with punishing people they don’t like.

Nope not false.