RINO's about to Appoint a Soros Supporter Speaker!

You’re dreaming. Republicans spend just like dems.

Is McCarthy your rep?

No. Jordan

Already lost 3 times. How do you know McCarthy isn’t listening to his constituency?

Read the whole story half way down it says exactly what I wrote.
ALSO read World Watcher’s link…says the same thing.

Any other R will do the same. Except the Freedom Caucus and they have no prayer…can’t get their man in.

Why would a Billionaire need a congressperson’s support?


I do think McCarthy was better than Ryan, but not by much. If we don’t fight for what we advocate, we may as well surrender.

Also, if they will all do the same, not much of a party we have here.


Fox and Right Wing Media have helped create a new party (MAGA) that cant govern because they must remain ideologically pure and never compromise. I wonder if they know they are fracturing the GOP.


I agree that a congressman who supported destroying the electoral college is not the best choice for speaker, as a Republican.
But you don’t get to take control of a party and it’s direction just because you collect eight people willing to hold their breath till they get their way.
All you do is stir up problems like we have now and hurt your party.

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The knives are out for Emmer already. Right wing media, Jordanites and Trump are all trying to take him down.

So why not Byron Donald?

He is pretty reasonable.


What McCarthy could do, he did. He was limited by reality. It’s not that “he didn’t do…”. The make-up of the House guaranteed that he couldn’t do a lot of what they wanted.

McCarthy’s fault was telling the bomb-throwers that he would do certain things that were actually dead-on-arrival once he won their support. The fault for that was the GOP’s efforts in the 2022 election. Jordan wouldn’t have been able to do more. Even demi-god Gaetz himself wouldn’t have gotten an inch further than McCarthy did. (And probably would have achieved even less by turning off a lot of GOPers in the House.)

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For one its because he’s only been in office for 2 years while this is Emmer’s 5th term as a representative.

That could be a big asset now.

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Really this comes down to the reality that anyone who runs will either be seen as a MAGA/ally of Jordan/Trump, or a “RINO”, ally of McCarthy. There is no middle ground.

So no one can get enough votes.

They even tried this the democratic way to elect someone secretly by popular vote. Scalise won…and still the MAGAs said they wouldn’t allow him to take the post.

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And probably the worst crime of Emmer is that he voted to uphold the 2020 election results that Biden won. Sacrilege!

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Point Donalds


He voted against the Jan 6th Pelosi Parade.

The Rs that voted against Jordan have IMO ended their political careers and is what I’d label…a kamikaze vote.