Originally published at: RICKY RIPS HOLLYWOOD: Gervais Says ‘People Are Tired of Being Lectured to’ By Rich Celebrities | Sean Hannity
British comedian Ricky Gervais called-out Hollywood elites during a recent interview with the New York Times; saying people are “tired of being lectured to” by wealthy celebrities during the Coronavirus pandemic.
“I’ve got nothing against anyone being a celebrity or being famous,” he told the New York Times in an interview published on Thursday. “I think that people are just a bit tired of being lectured to. Now celebrities think: ‘The general public needs to see my face. They can’t get to the cinema – I need to do something.’ And it’s when you look into their eyes, you know that, even if they’re doing something good, they’re sort of thinking, ‘I could weep at what a good person I am.’ Oh dear.”
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) on Mar 24, 2020 at 8:10am PDT
“No, the world hasn’t changed. No one looks at me differently. And I’ve got nothing against those people, really,” he added. “I think that’s the mistake people make: They think that every joke is a window to the comedian’s soul — because I wrote it and performed it under my own name, that that’s really me. And that’s just not true. I’ll flip a joke halfway through and change my stance to make the joke better.”
Read the full report at Fox News.