Retired Cop shoots man for throwing popcorn at him in theater

I would agree. It likely is. I’ve seen people get arrested for throwing food. Sure it hit a cop, but jello to the face was enough to call it assault.

Then why are you carrying on so?

I knew that.

Cool…I stand corrected…

There’s another thing you’re forgetting.

What’s that?

My guess is, he had no viable path of retreat, as in getting out of his seat would have put him in reach of the guy trying to get him.

He was tried.

The guy I responded to didn’t .

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A point I had not considered Zan. Thanks for you point of view.

Yes he was…

That’s how you know stand your ground wasn’t in play, if it falls under that, there is no trial.

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Which means he didn’t “get away” with anything.

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On a side note…all these tough guys walking around with guns sure seem to be afraid all the time. Seeing how thats the go to reason for them shooting someone.

What a stupid, stupid post. What do they have to be afraid of?

You tell me…Its always “I was in fear of my life” Fear …Truth hurts. Now if this yahoo didnt have a gun on him, he wouldn’t have ■■■■ , he’s a coward hiding behind the gun.

Are you a tough guy?

Never said I was, nor do I act like one…Those that do, generally aren’t. Like those that think they look like one walking around with a pistol on their hip…lol. Frankly I feel sorry for those types.

You’re posting like one.

How do you know what they have on their hip, gazing?

Easy solution, don’t attack people.

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