Retired Cop shoots man for throwing popcorn at him in theater

He claims self defense, said he feared for his life…

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Oulson threw a bag of popcorn at Reeves, the complaint says, at which point Reeves, a former police captain, took out a handgun and fired, fatally wounding Oulson, who was taken to a hospital, where he died. Oulson’s wife, Nicole, was shot in the hand.

In audio prosecutors played in court of Reeves talking to detectives shortly after the shooting, he said, "If I had to do it over again, it would have never happened. I wouldn’t have moved. But you don’t get do-overs."

IMO…you’ve got an old man, whose cognitive processes are declining and his temper got the best of him. Kind of sounds like the guy in the WH, doesn’t it?

Why this case took so many years to get to court is a disgrace to expedient justice.

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Too bad the guy had a gun on him.


Well, at the time the “old man” was 70. I’m 70 and I might be inclined to agree yes, as you get older your patience grows shorter. But pull out your piece and start blasting away in a theater over popcorn? Even here in Florida with a CCWP carrying into a theater is iffy at best, (well, maybe now).
If I degenerate to where my mind can’t process the right decision with a firearm it’s time to give ‘em up. But all my guns were lost in that tragic boating accident when we lived in Maryland and they all lie in the deepest channel of the Chesapeake Bay.
The old ■■■■ in the WH? He’s just a vindictive ■■■■■■■ that gets pissed off when the pudding isn’t cold.


8 years?

So much for a fair & speedy trial.


Per the article the issue that was the hot button was the decedent’s texting.

Turns out he was texting the babysitter of the couple’s child.

How exactly was quietly texting the defendant’s circus or his monkey?

Looks like his temper will earn him a manslaughter conviction.

I think him being a former Cop had the most to do with it…not his age.

Well, that’s one way to get into an extended care facility, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea for an ex-cop.

The last thing an old man wants, facing the prospect of dying in prison, is a fair and speedy trial. He was out on bond, and able to spend the last 8 years with his family, sleeping in his own bed.

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Incredible. …

Do you agree with the juries decision?

I didn’t see the evidence or hear the testimony they did, so I’ll defer to them.

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Like I’ve said previously…Nowadays, you can start the conflict, kill the person, then claim self defense " I was in fear of my life!". and then walk.

According to the article, the guy he shot was in the process of lunging towards him.


Doesnt change my statement…You can start the trouble over nothing, shoot, kill and walk free. How would it be any different than say a road rage incident. I get mad, I go to the car behind me to confront the other driver, he goes to get out of his car comes towards me…I shoot and kill the guy because I was in “fear of my life”. I should be able to walk in that situation?

He was tried with a jury of his peers and acquitted. How do you suggest “not letting him walk?”

You don’t get a free pass to attack someone for telling you to put your phone away.

This kind of situation has been discussed on here before, and the conceal/ carry types said it was ridiculous when others suggested that one could be the instigator, then shoot and claim self defense and walk. Yet here we are…lol

Throwing popcorn?..I guess there could be a bunch of justifiable shootings at sporting events then.