Republicans should expand and pack the supreme court

By pretending to be something that you’re not? How does that work?

“Do it before the other side does” is swiftly becoming the justification for all manner of ills.

The number has been set in stone for almost 150 years. What reason, other than screwing Democrats, makes it so pressing to change the number now?

It’s either Democrats or Republicans at this point. There is no middle ground. You’re either with us or against us, and if you’re against us you’re an Enemy of the American People.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 actually authorized 6 Justices. One of the slots was not filled until February of 1790, so the first session of the Supreme Court convened with one vacancy.

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It’s interesting that they felt an even number to be the correct way to design the court.

I know. James Iredell

Could have lifted that right off Daddy Donald’s twitter feed.

Ahh the GOP. The true “ram down the throaters”


In the end it didn’t matter. The Supreme Court had nothing on its docket at its first session and adjourned without transacting any business. :smile:

I feel when i throw in some of the rhetoric used by that man, my posts become a little more authentic.

Is that the rule?

The only way to do it would be to lower the number by one every time someone leaves, until we get to seven. We could start now.

What rule?

I would reduce the court by attrition. Simply pass legislation stating that the next two vacancies would not be filled.

In fact, I would do it right now to abolish Kennedy’s seat while it is vacant and the next seat (RBG???, Thomas???, Breyer???) that became vacant.

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You are strong in the ways of Deep State fake news free fifth columns of Venezuelan cheese.


The rule that you’re concerned about bending.

Would that it would be so again.

Are you talking about the Judiciary Act of 1869?

To do it now would seem too partisan.