Overall a great solid list. However disagree with any focus on transgender issues of anything else that can be construed as “culture wars”. The 2022 mid terms proved that is a losing issue with independents and floating voters.
Everything else on the list is a true blueprint for Republican success this year.
Trump has offered to support putting DACA in legislation, and actually increasing, through legislation, the number of people allowed in DACA. Of course, that was part of his proposal to change legal immigration to exclude chain migration in favor of qualifications. Of course, Democrats rejected that.
The polling of caucus goers in Iowa showed immigration and the economy as overwhelmingly the top two issues. That is where Republicans need to be.
Democrat’s issues, so far as I can tell, are save our democracy from Trump. Republicans mostly just need to ignore that.
I think it was 2017 when he tried to end DACA by EO and was shot down by SCOTUS in 2020. Ending DACA was an attempt at getting Congress off their asses and draft legislation concerning immigration.
Neutral… by most measures the economy is doing very well. That doesn’t mean it’s working for everyone.
Winner for Republicans. This should be their #1 focus. The border specifically. If they start going down the path of mass deportations, it’s going to become a losing issue
Neutral. Crime is more of a state/city issue. Most crime categories are relatively low. However this has traditionally been a winner for Republicans… so they might be able to leverage it.
Losing issue for Republicans. They should stay away from culture wars. It’s not a winner for anyone but the fringe.
“The United States is set to produce a global record of 13.3 million barrels per day of crude and condensate during the fourth quarter of this year, according to a report published Tuesday by S&P Global Commodity Insights.
Last month, weekly US oil production hit 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the US Energy Information Administration. That’s just above the Donald Trump-era record of 13.1 million set in early 2020 just before the Covid-19 crisis sent output and prices crashing.“
Yes. Ending DACA was clearly a negotiating tool on immigration reform. The SC said he had to have all sorts of hearings to end it though none were used to create it, and it wasn’t even clear it was legal. Seemed strange to me.