Republicans Need Not Apply

They can look for themselves and see: higher education is moving out of reach, the country has been at war for 20 years, there have been 2 major financial crises, a pandemic was left to rage unchecked for several months, the social net is desperately tattered, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, there aren’t enough jobs, gig work doesn’t provide benefits, minimum wage is not a livable income

You don’t need indoctrination, this is simply observable fact. If this is all you have known in your young life, you are naturally going to conclude that there has GOT to be a better way

Good grief… When i was their age Carter was President…it was really bad. The economy was many times worse than now.

But hey, give Biden a little time…he will catch up to Carter…

The 2008 recession was worse than the late 70’s. Also, I noticed that you flat out ignored all the other knock on effects that I mentioned.