Republican wins in district that's 85% Hispanic

They want everyone who is impoverished and desperate, no matter what their race, who will worship at their feet and will be ecstatic at the free stuff they will receive.

From your link:

“It’s likely many of the parents in the study were legal immigrants”

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Neither are black people. Typically more socially conservative

Wanting to help the impoverished is a bad thing?

What proof do you have that the dem party wants to help the impoverished? The places they run have the most.

Their policy positions… would you like me to link you to them?

Amazing to see the streets filled with republican Hispanics protesting Cuba’s socialist tyranny

Their policy outcomes seem to cause poverty. What proof do you have they are not doing that on purpose?

Sure why not! It brings levity.

Biden may want to build that wall because everyone migrating here doesn’t want to be a democratic voter

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I use this thing inside the quotes when on mobile or tablet “>” Just put it before each paragraph. When I hit the quote function things go wonky.

[quote=“zantax, post:71, topic:239322, full:true”]


Wow. You mean Hispanics don’t like being overrun by illegals either? Who knew?

Then form a charity and give all one’s time and money to help the poor outside of the US instead of becoming a US Representative.

And it’s a complete failure on the Republican party not to have more of the African American vote. The most genuine people I’ve met throughout my life are African American Christians.

Is screening immigrants a bad thing? Is going through a legal entry point a bad thing?

There’s more to Hispanic voting patterns than “free stuff”. This article may get me in trouble as it’s a little unfiltered, but it comes from a Hispanic point ov view:

Incidentally, 99% of individuals I know who brag about making more money on furlough & have an entitlement mentality for bennies like Mass Health & WIC are white, native born and not Hispanic at all.

He’s on FNC talking about it now.

The Bell Curve was predictive.

“Anyone who is exempt from the ramifications of their own ideology are very likely to be left-wing.” :rofl:

I didn’t say that.