Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter and his wife indicted

we should have known


Is that video real? Did he really vape on the floor of Congress?

Those poor kids are going to really miss their parent for the years that they have to serve in prison.

However, I think there is a precedence of judges allowing one parent to serve at a time. Not sure if that’s only for sentences under X years.

Anyway, they appears to have done the crime, and now they need to be ready to do the time.


Oh yeah

Anybody know what kind of sentence is usually handed down in this type of situation?

Hard to say. It’s pretty much Duke Cunningham level graft, but mostly around campaign accounts. But any type of wire fraud usually is not looked upon lightly. Campaign finance violations don’t usually get a whole lot, especially if handled at the FEC level.

But Congressman Hunter and his wife have upped the campaign finance theft game quite a few notches. Not sure if there are any parallels this egregious. Hard to say.

just finnished reading the 47 pg document, its astounding

Given some of the comments that they have allegedly made, people in their inner circles seem to have ratted them out.

When he said he was going to drain the swamp. Republicans were sure he meant only the Democrat end of the swamp. Not the whole thing!

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For reference, Cunningham was sentenced to 8 years and four months.

On March 3, 2006, U.S. District Judge Larry A. Burns sentenced Cunningham to eight years and four months in prison.[2] Federal prosecutors pushed for the maximum sentence of ten years, but Cunningham’s defense lawyers argued that at 64 years old and with prostate cancer, Cunningham would likely die in prison if he received the full sentence.[39][40] Judge Burns cited his military service in Vietnam, age, and health as the reason the full ten years was not imposed. Prosecutors announced that they were satisfied with the sentence, which is the longest jail term ever given to a former Congressman.[41]


Isn’t that amazing? They treated the campaign checking account like it was a Visa Gift Card. And then accused the campaign treasurer of trying to create a paper trail when they were spending it on obviously personal expenses.

There’s been some wierdish misuse of campaign funds instances, but these two were over the top. Unbelievable.

And the way the indictment ties it into the the state of their personal finances is sublime. The two of them are the Overdraft Kings of San Diego County.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those comments were harvested from emails, too. Can you imagine being the campaign treasurer to that dude and having to sign your John Hancock to one of his campaign disclosure forms?

Any rational person would be preserving any malignant communications considering what they were doing with that money.

Had no money to pay the water bill. Used campaign funds. Awesome!

Good point.

  1. As reflected in his US. House of Representatives Annual Financial Disclosure
    Statements, DUNCAN HUNTER had less than $1,000 in reportable assets for each of the
    years 2009 through 2016.

Less than $1,000 is assets for an entire 7 year period?

What the heck!?

Forget cars, wouldn’t their furniture and clothing be worth at least $1K? Amazing.

Hard to accumulate wealth when you’re running up 10s of thousands of dollars of overdraft fees. That takes some special skill, right there.

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oh he is just the best

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) is defying Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) by refusing to relinquish his committee assignments, prompting House Republicans to move forward with a plan to forcibly remove him from those posts.

A House GOP source close to the process told The Hill on Wednesday that Hunter is not voluntarily resigning his committee assignments, despite Ryan saying on Tuesday that he would be removed from those positions following charges that he used at least $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses.

He’s a real peach!


and fiscal responsibility every other administration of course