Republic v Democracy

Then the guarantee is violated and the contract is void.

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Remember on the old board when all the libs confused liberties with freedom, unable to discern the two? :rofl:


Pepperidge Farm and I both do. They still do it.

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I’ll never forget that one forgettable lib who had “the freedom to walk downstairs and buy a coke from the vending machine.” :rofl:

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What a country!

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That was before medical marijuana was legalized.

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This is where the judicial steps in… right?

Did it? Or is the right being violated?

That’s true…but are they?

The supremes empowered themselves with the infamous madison vs marbury.

Giving them the final judical power to stop in name of the law.

They have broken many hearts since

For 2a challenges, yes. There have been quite a few cases. But you know this, so why ask?

I sure do…still confuses em. :wink:

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Then the guarantee has been violated and the contract is void. And it’s not just the right to keep and bear arms.

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If that is what you think,
that proves I am correct.


Jefferson despised that ruling. I concur.

Actually this is untrue of Marbury.

The actual opinion has been steadfastly lied about for decades.

It is because Marshall, in Marbury, justified an obligation to decide for the Constitution whenever it is juxtaposed to statute contrary to it. An obligation to fidelity is not a power to craft infidelities. That is why the ruling received scant attention till many years later when the Court and Bar steadfastly lied about it, misrepresenting it to be something it never was.

They could do so because the standard of education has fallen so far, corrupted by so-called progressive education.

Why do you concur? Every branch of the United States government assigned privilege to itself at the beginning.

If the system in its original form existed from the beginning of that system then the argument that the system is improper or wrong is an attempt to redefine the system. It can’t be a return to its original form.

But let’s skip that part.

What would our system of government look like if the ephors weee subservient to the other branches.

In the 1960s? 1970s

In the 1930s?

What does it look like with the other two branches subservient to them?

Democracy is an illusion that we spend trillions of dollars defending. It is the pretext for endless wars, predawn FBI raids on political opponents, massive censorship, universal surveillance, cancel culture, etc.

A Constitutional Republic is what is lost in the “defense of democracy”.

“The first rule is that power is everywhere and always the organized minority over the disorganized mass.” –Dr. Neema Parvini