Reproduction and The State - Objectively As Policy

Thinking about abortion as a collective. You’re going to have to set fee fees aside and focus on the greater good.

I’ve been thinking about this in preparation since this:

Some policy “ideas” were thrown out to reduce abortions. Sex education (in schools of all places), free birth control (I support), things of that nature.

I think we’re looking at this all wrong.

I think we can all agree:

  • The climate “crisis” is upsetting the low intelligent. It is caused by over population. There’s simply too many people. The US population has basically doubled since 1950.
  • I haven’t looked, but my estimate the vast majority of the increase is not coming from the top percentile in intelligence, education or wealth. “Low income” was used in the post I quoted above. In most cases low intelligence leads to low education to low income. Are the “wrong people” having the babies? From the perfected state perspective, of course.
  • There are identity groups, nations, in this country which are acting as anchors. Holding us back as a unit from the progressive we all so desperately desire. Are the “wrong people” having the babies to support the perfection of the state?
  • Abortion on demand, given who is aborting, is very supportive of the perfected state. Could even be a prerequisite.
  • Looking at it objectively, abortion is much better for the state than subsidizing the life of a low intelligence citizen.
  • Reducing the population should reduce the need for the military in the streets of US cities (even when cRiMe iS DoWn!).

Just a few notes.

If we ever want to achieve The Perfected State, we may need to rethink our stances on a few things. Especially those of us still bitterly clinging to liberalism, individual rights, guns and Bibles.

The gnosis, the special insight with religiosity, the critprogs own exclusively, tells us this change is needed. We need to surrender and allow them to lead us to the collective Utopia they can’t describe.

Two words comes to mind. :wink:


Which are?

can’t say but I will never be part of their perfect state.

But I do get the message you’re trying to relay. :wink:


Yes the people the government should want to have children are having the least. According to the Atlantic “ about one in every five college graduates have no children”.

These children would more likely grow up in a better family situation which statistically would mean they have a better chance succeeding in life.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Stupid people have stupid kids, they’re flooding the world with them, and it aggravates me.

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Anyone who thinks population control isn’t a priority, is a ■■■■■■■ tool of the cheapest materials possible.

We do NOT need this many peasants in this automated world.

Every good national socialist wannabe knows that the key to getting the populace to do what you want, is to convince those dumbasses that it’s what they want. This is basic-ass psyops, folks. :man_shrugging:


And two of the four who do are probably morons.


Emphasis mine. Great point!

I think what we are witnessing is lost of family farms…I wonder just how much that plays into all this.


Make them want to stop getting married and having children.





How would more family farms make things better? Not being a jerk but seriously, how is that a change that would really affect things?

A family that subsists together, stays together.


It’s the quality of stock…

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That reads creepy as hell. Can you elaborate a little more.

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No…you either understand stand it or or don’t.


Everyone my age had their chance 20 years ago. No one my age has that chance anymore. :rofl:

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The state is the divine idea as it exists on earth. The state will be perfected. …the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state.


So agriculture workers and their families are better “stock” than others?