Reports are half of new COVID cases in Israel were fully vaccinated

They certainly were last year. There’s something (D)ifferent about this year though. :wink:


No they are not.

Doesn’t change my statement.

Just sticking with Israel and the numbers given there…the unvaccinated are being impacted far more than the vaccinated.

Nor mine.

As I stated in my edit, just sticking with Israel and the numbers being reported…the new cases and hospitalizations are far more from the unvaccinated group than the vaccinated group.

We are seeing that in all countries.

Most new cases are unvaccinated people.

Almost all new hospitalizations are unvaccinated people.

It is a reasonable statement to make that with fewer vaccinations, the new numbers in both cases and hospitalizations would be worse.

The term “Social Darwinism” comes to mind.

Desantis is right about US looking like Canada now without his state fighting the feds and Trump vaccine.

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Best sales PR for vaccine possible.

That would be a better focus.

Then you might want to ask the OPer and some others why they are trying to tell a different story about the vaccine.



I was imagining the ridiculous arguments being put forth by people to avoid doing any type of mitigation against COVID?


the only thing the last year has taught us is that governments headed by liberals don’t know their place.

there is absolutely no difference in the results between states that did very little mandating (fl) and states that mandated everything (ca).

we are Americans. give us the information we need to make an informed decision for ourselves and get the ■■■■ out of our lives.


They can’t do that…it’s against the very nature of libism.


100% Correct and very well stated!!


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We would have 400,000 fewer dead Americans if we looked like Canada.

California would have 6,000 more dead people if it had the same death rate as Florida

What makes you think that?

The US has a much more dense and well traveled population.

it would have the sane number of dead people no matter what it did.

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except of course we’re not canada.

User Clip: Fauci admits only 50-60% of CDC and NIH employees have been vaccinated |

Ok, around half, maybe 60%.

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