REPORT: Michael Avenatti ARRESTED for ‘Felony Domestic Violence’ in LA | Sean Hannity

Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti was reportedly arrested Wednesday evening on charges of ‘Felony Domestic Violence’ in Los Angeles, according to TMZ.

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He is a man who is scrutinized for his unsavory behavior and I am enjoying watching him taking the medicine he dishes out for other men. Let us see if his accuser is embraced by the “MeToo”.

As much as he did to Brett Kavanaugh it pains my heart to say he’s innocent until proven guilty. I wonder if Michael is thinking of what he did to Brett this morning.
It was so heart-rending to watch as the left tried to ruin Brett, as well as his family. To the accuser, get away from him. I know if they hurt you they will hurt your children. You will become part of the abuse cycle because he will do it again.
Good luck and be strong.

It must really be something to be in Brett Kavanaugh’s shoes and see what it’s like to be accused of something like this. The only difference is he don’t have the media and politicians saying how they believed the accuser with no evidence or corroboration.