Rep. Pocan: pull plug on ICE which now protects American Citizens from criminal illegal entrants

We had federal agencies that handled that before ICE

You don’t need federal anything if these guys are serious criminals. Local warrants will suffice in most cases like they do for the rest of us.

ICE only looks necessary if you consider immigration status alone to be a reason to hunt people down across state lines. I don’t.

Take the saved money and give it the local police so they can handle the bad hombres in their own backyard.

Is that so? What agency are you referring to?


The FBI.


INS under the department of labor and department of justice.

The FBI is not charged with enforcing immigration laws.


That’s not what you asked for. You asked for an agency that transcends jurisdictions that is effective at hunting down illegal criminal entrants who move from state to state. That’s exactly what the FBI does with interstate criminals regardless of citizenship status.

Stop making stuff up. You were asked what agency did the work of ICE before it was created. That agency was INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] and not the FBI.


Point it out in the quote chain. Your ambiguous wording is an attempt to disguise how useless ICE is because everything useful they actually do overlaps with an agency that does it better.

I wrote:

Stop making stuff up. You were asked what agency did the work of ICE before it was created. That agency was INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] and not the FBI.

You answered my question by saying That’s exactly what the FBI does with interstate criminals regardless of citizenship status. The truth is, the FBI is not charged with enforcing immigration laws.



Ctrl-F “immigration”.
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There are a number of examples given in the opening post. Unlike local police departments, ICE is federal and is not restricted by state jurisdictional limitations. Its investigatory and policing powers transcend state borders and why it is effective in tracking down illegal criminal entrants who move from state to state.

The FBI fits this description.


Just for the record, The Homeland Security Act of 2002 disbanded INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] on March 1, 2003. Its constituent parts contributed to 3 new federal agencies serving under the newly-formed Department of Homeland Security (DHS):

  1. Customs and Border Protection (CBP),

  2. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),

  3. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

CBP prevents drugs, weapons, and terrorists and other inadmissible persons from entering the country.

ICE enforces criminal and civil laws governing border control, customs, trade, and immigration.

USCIS oversees lawful immigration to the United States and naturalization of new American citizens.

Although now separate, these agencies continue to cooperate, benefitting from and building upon the legacy of INS.


The FBI is not charged with enforcing immigration laws.


Neither are the police. Hence all the BS with Arpaio. Memories are super short I guess.

Huh? I’m not sure what your point is.


Weren’t these twits just claiming they’d rather have police do it and therefore ICE is not needed? We already know that’s not true. Arpaio tried that and the left practically ran him out on a rail.

OK. Now I understand, and you are absolutely correct, just like our Fifth Column twits have their panties all wound up in a knot over Russia meddling in our elections but ignore Obama’s MEDDLING in Israel’s elections, trying to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party.

The good news is, more and more people are beginning to see the Democrat Party Leadership for what it really is, and that it is backed by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.


They are not “liberals”. They are part of a Fifth Column movement which has no intention to adhere to our written Constitution and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.