Remember when journalists used to issue retractions?

It isn’t a " ■■■■ up". It was intentional. They were lying to you and what do you care about…someone named Jack.

Good thing I don’t get my news from Rolling Stone magazine.

Or Jack Posobiec.

Or the Gateway Pundit.

Or videos on YouTube from someone with a cat in their username.


The proper scientific approach to vetting a story should be used on news sources one disagrees with…AND those sources whom one agrees with.

Amazing how good people are at doing that on the former…but not the latter.


I didn’t hear about this until it got into the right wing news cycle.

Rolling Stone rereported a local news story without checking into it first.

They ■■■■■■ up. I have zero problem with people pointing that out.

Jack Prosobiec on the other hand has made a career out of lying and fabricating controversy. He is the last person that any serious person should look to for the “truth” and his complaints about the media either making stuff up or getting things wrong is nothing more than crocodile tears.

Can you hear? They didn’t ■■■■ up. They used a picture of people standing in line for a vaccine to later use that same picture and tell you a big fat lie, that these people had to wait outside of an Oklahoma hospital because the beds were filled with patients who took ivermectin. They were sheoplizing you. My gosh…it’s no wonder it’s working?

Dude. I don’t give a ■■■■■

I don’t read Rolling Stone. I don’t see them as a news source.

Jack Posobiec has no right to complain about anyone fabricating anything because he is the king of it. His livelihood is built on it.

Don’t defend the dude. It isn’t worth it.

I never once did. I just don’t like sheoplizing. Now…spanky, spanky for fibbing. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Complaining about sheoplizing when Pobosiec is the king of just making any old ■■■■ up is quite something.

Quite a hot take

No…because they are coordinated liars, all feeding the same Democrat narrative, while their sheople eat it up and regurgibleat it in their circles of influence. I really am shocked at just how dumb some people are, that are blatantly being used by the MSM and the social media giants.

A lot of speck spotters still missing the logs in their own eyes, I see.



Ah, I see. I don’t watch cable news, so I was mostly spared that.

The next question is, how do we know if the protests were mostly peaceful or not mostly peaceful. How do we measure how peaceful, not peaceful a protest is? Surely you can admit we can on off media coverage alone because the media leans towards sensationalism and therefore you’re going to see more of the riots and less of the peaceful marches, right?