Religious right win a major victory in teen pregnancy

Yes, I understand. However, I believe the message to this age group should be, “Abstinence for you. When you are an adult and are supporting yourself, here is some information you may find useful in preventing STDs and pregnancy.” If they use it sooner…shrug. Again, some kids don’t use bicycle helmets or seat belts. There is only so much that can be done, but what can be done, should be done.

Sorry, didn’t mean to monopolize your attention. :wink:

:grinning: That’s not what the system messages are saying. They are basically telling me to shut up and let others have a chance. I get the impression I’m being scolded for having too many messages in this thread! They may be telling me abstinence is good, so I should go sweep the patio.

No…it’s a false equivalence.

And with my other response I see you’re doing your usual bob and weave routine.

And now the forum even HELPS you duck out of arguments where you don’t want to engage because you’ll use the “engage with someone else” recommendation to bag out of debate.

Yep- you’ll love this new forum for sure!

ain’t gonna happen.

besides… we as a society can’t yet figure out if an adolescent female is a child or a young woman. I just can’t imagine a coherent program that respects her rights, the rights of her parents, and the legal moral, and ethical nightmare for a young man who she may have sex with.

So just to be clear, you believe only abstinence should be taught. No condoms, no birth control. A back to the 50’s approach.

Bye, Jay-Jay. I’m sorry my train of thought is not to your liking, but I’ll try not to bother you with it again. If I forget, just ignore me. My thoughts are not your thoughts; my ways are not your ways. No, I am not comparing myself to the deity, but saying everyone here is on a different train of thought. I enjoy that about forums, but some find it annoying when everyone is not on their train. Have fun. I wish you well.

It probably starts with a strong family, but that does not happen for all. I had a grandfather who was supporting himself when he was thirteen (mother died, father ran off). Today, we have young people who still are not supporting themselves well into their twenties. Everyone has a different story, and life on this planet changes so rapidly, no wonder we have problems trying to figure it all out. (Today a thirteen-year-old would be swept up by family services. I think my grandfather might argue that is not necessarily the best solution, but the world has changed a lot since he was thirteen.)

Just to be clear, no that’s not what I said. I said teens should be taught to abstain from sex. Children should be taught to read, but not all who graduate can read. Children should be taught to use a helmet when riding a bicycle, but not all wear a helmet. Etc. Etc. Etc. Simply because teens are taught something doesn’t mean they will follow through with it. So…should we stop teaching reading and math?

Now it’s the drama queen exit.

LOL! Predictable.

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So good- you’re against abstinence-only education then. So you should be upset about what the trump Administration has done.

You also admit that just because teens are taught something doesn’t mean they’ll follow through with it. Ergo- if they’re taught about safe sex, it doesn’t mean they’ll engage in sex.


She’s a one trick pony. I don’t know how abstinence only isn’t a 50’s throwback, other than the 50’s had no sex ed.

Good Lord… if an abstinence-only program is taught in public schools it is just one of many influences that “teach” young adults about sex. And it - the school program of abstinence - will be the ONLY one or one of very few influences that children learn abstinence from. What it actually will do is provide a balance for all the other influences.

Except there is absolutely zero evidence that it provides such balance.

join the 21st century.

the internet and television are not your grandfather’s Philco radio.

I know you think that non sequiturs said with a sarcastic edge are a sign of wit.

They’re not.

STDs have increased over time–among men in relations with each other and bisexual men

Somehow, I’m not accepting this is because they never got educated about, nor have access to, condoms.

I’m still convinced that many of the older people who are in favor of less sex education have low sex drives. Probably some that feel inferior sexually as well. Probably also some who live on porn sites while speaking about abstinence.

in other words, it hasn’t been tried in today’s environment.