Religion under attack?

None…what’s the evidence God exists?
Your faith isnt an answer

There you go, you just did it.

:rofl: ok.

Nope…you cant prove God exists

Follow-up question: Does anyone here feel it’s not that religion in general is under attack in America, just Christianity in particular?

BS. They want goverment to control everyday lives of it citizens. You don’t put that faith in goverment unless you worship the very goverment.

It’s a religion for the left/libs.

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PC culture is about using society, government, etc to root out “troubled behavior” and fix it.

I agree with this somewhat but not to the same extent as progressive liberals.

Yea so? You asked if I thought it would have been different if the couple would have been Christian. I answered no.

The government already control every day lives of its citizen it has since the founding of America, you give up your personal soviegteny to be part of America.

Just engaging in conversation, and trying to understand your position.


Liberal don’t worship the government if they did they wouldn’t complain about Trump because he is the government.

they want control
the government is a tool.

So maybe it’s less about worshipping the institution and more about worshipping power.

I’d argue both sides are pretty deep into that.

Your driving down a empty road and there is a single stop light and its turn red, there are no car coming the town is completely empty not a single person would see you drive though.

do you stop?

Broad brush much?

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I don’t know, I had completely forgotten about it. In my mind, and correct me if I’m wrong, SCOTUS hasn’t really finished it’s job in clarifying their stance on the issue.

Its always about power, and power corrupts.

If they cause an issue, like any noise issue like cars horns after a certain time then yes either get the to ring at a different time or silence them. The did that to a music venue near us they got the choice of fall in line with city rules or be shut down. Do you have a problem with noise nuisance?

Sorry thought you were doing what so many do around here, by just keep circling around trying to get me make a mistake or say something inconsistent.

I’m not playing gotcha here, although if I do think something’s wrong or inconsistent I’ll say so. I’m not trying to persuade anyone to come round to my way of thinking, just trying to understand the reasons behind others’ beliefs.

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It may be troubled behavior to you…but not someone else. Your attempting to fix “Troubled Behavior” is just as offensive and reprehensible as the Westboro Baptist Church attempting to fix what they perceive as troubled behavior.