Religion under attack?

I love it when people tell me how and what to think

Thanks for contributing.

Nope- this is a good example, especially since it appears the city changed zoning laws after the first meeting where they couldn’t find the coffee shop was doing something wrong.

I predict a quick victory for the coffee shop…as it should be.

My faith is not in men.

Guidance. Deliverance.

It was built.

What is one attribute of the God you have faith in that you came to know without having it be taught to you by anyone?

Yes and I remember all our religious freedom defenders streaming on here to offer spirited defenses of that center.

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It was occupied.

The building was used as a mosque even when the “controversy” was going on.

Park51 was going to be new construction. That never happened.

That is when I joined this board.

I thought that people getting really upset about a local land use issue in a city where they didn’t live to be really weird.

These are the same people who defended this

And probably part of this crowd too

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It was built.

It was not a ban on Muslims.

I don’t recall any of the religious freedom defenders here being happy about that.

I don’t recall a single one of them saying “Despite the fact that my personal feelings are I don’t want it there, those building it have every right to have it there”.

Case in point

No human being taught you that God is love?

Seriously doubt that.

Park 51 aka the “Ground Zero Mosque” was going to be new construction.

That never happened.

The existing building was for a short period used as an Islamic Center, though not to the extent of the original plans.

Nothing was built expressly for the purpose that Park 51 was planned for.

The site is now becoming a high rise condo.

Despite the fact that my personal feelings are I don’t want it there, those building it have every right to have it there.

Please stop spreading false propaganda. The moratorium was based on nationality.

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Is that what you asked me?