Red wave to pink foam

Saudi’s Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries were during the Trump years business partners and somewhat allies. An Israeli-Arab peace existed until J’Biden and his inept oafs ■■■■■■ everyone and everything up. Ol Joey goes to the kingdom and begs for oil, they tell him ■■■■ off go home.
What’s that tell you?


Your funny. Woof woof.

They wouldnt have touched it with a ten mile pole because of the “peace accords”.

Fine. Take it up with Pelosi.


I don’t know why you keep making cute animal noises but your standards are fun to keep up with.

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That is reality. The libs are still pissed that the Saudis did not increase oil production for Joe.

Wait, what? You had your own answer to the issue that you raised yourself? I feel used.

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Sounds like madam speaker will keep her gavel.


Hangs head in shame.

He is good for that. Good liberal vs reality. Goid liberal wins in his or her own mind.

It doesn’t even have to be an unfriendly government, but that does make it look worse


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Its all about oil.

Also Kashoggi, Yemen, their treatment of women, their persecution of gays, religious persecution, their exploitation of foreign workers, their generally abysmal human rights record…


Yep, the libs are pissed that joe did not get his oil

Talking about oil, if saudi arabia, Venezuela, iran, and the US drills for oul where does it come from? Mother earth. So drilling is drilling. It makes no sense to go begging other countries for oil (many are not our friends()when we have more than anyone else but are not allowed to get it from our USA ground. Biden makes no sense and many liberals make no sense. Go burn some herb, purhaps.

■■■■ Yemen. ■■■■ Iran.

Precisely. Which is why MAGA must never be allowed anywhere near foreign policy ever again.

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Is all oil created equal?

Oh, so this is only about character of the OTHER side. Silly me.

Russian Roulette is stupid. Somebody doing that is stupid. They only have the ability however to harm themselves by doing that.

Y’all took someone who can’t cognitively understand words spoken to him nor answer back in an understandable way and put him out there to vote and make decisions on what will eventually affect the whole country.