Red State Brain Drain

My feelings :rofl:

You posted that 75% is crime in California doesn’t get included in the stats… but posted no supporting evidence.

That’s Feefees

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I know all too well how libs love manipulating data to achieve desired outcome.

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What you need to do is find some patched-together, incoherent, and unsupportable way that allows the poster to be correct. Because the opposite is simply not possible.


Funny how THC heads do things like that. I stopped the Maui Wowee in the early 1970’s when it became apparent that my aspirations to become a LEO would go up in smoke after the blood testing. I’ve seen individuals drive around in vehicles with expired tags, bald tires and more because their priorities were a bit “foggy”?
I get the relaxing benefits of those that are “on edge” but fer crissakes, these days every other car going down the road smells like a weekend in Kingston!


We are now two levels removed from the question in the OP. No one wants to follow you down some face-saving rabbit hole. Do you have anything to add to the topic?


At least from my anecdotal knowledge, it is factoring into decisions - at least at the “prestige” high school my friend works at as a guidance counselor.


I think that’s it right there: the state’s stance on abortion is a convenient lead indicator for the state’s attitude on all the other issues.

I live in a Conservative state, but I am older, so my stake in the culture war isn’t very large. I don’t care for it, but it is tolerable.

But these young folks coming up? They already have a better sense of work-life balance. I can’t imagine them staying in, let alone moving to, conservative state.


None of them have ever been in my kitchen.


“I know all this will be refuted so I will declare victory now and skedaddle! But don’t worry…i’ll be back in two weeks and repeat the same debunked arguments again and pretend they’ve never been discussed before!”

Right Wing Argumentation 101. Good since 1987



It would be nice if we could get them to understand our viewpoint, but so many have been convinced by right-wing media that the left is nothing but a bunch of godless dishonest fascists hell bent on eradicating the white race that its like yelling at the back of a deaf person. Meaningful conversation is dead on arrival (no pun intended).

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Yes I read your OP…the article from quoted some researchers saying they were going to move. How many researchers are moving the other way? As I said there’s this assumption that the thinkers are libs and everyone disagrees with the Court’s abortion decision. Neither assumption is true.

Here’s the first paragraph of your link…

“On Friday, June 24, the United States Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, the 1973 court ruling that for decades protected abortion rights throughout the country. Soon thereafter, protesters took to the streets en masse. Meanwhile, numerous researchers declared via social media that they will either try to leave or decline to accept job offers in the 30 US states where abortion is currently or may soon be illegal.”

Ok…where are the comments from researchers who support the court’s decision…who are pro-life? Why is the assumption that there will be a “brain drain” if researchers of a certain philosophical bent pack up and leave for an abortion on demand state?

Leftists have been howling about this for months…we’ve already been lied to by the worst president ever about the story of the 10 year old Ohio girl.

This is a very one sided assumption filled story typical of the arrogance of the left…and given how badly your president and your leaders are doing and the condition they’ve placed the country in…that arrogance is very much misplaced…in my humble opinion.

Anyway gotta go…y’all have a merry and a happy Tuesday.


More left wing lies… Project Veritas has video of you enjoying a cup of tea with Alaska at your kitchen table.


It’s my experience that lefties (C) aren’t overly smart.

I hope they all leave this state. Don’t let the door hit them in the Butt on the way out.

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That’s just silly. It’s also stupid! It’s also perfect that some lib hack mag would call themselves " The Scientist Magazine".

Reminds of of when Trump won and all the libs said they were leaving the US and then didn’t.


There’s no real question that there’s a corrolation between level of education and corresponding views on abortion.


Is them like all dem folks said they was leavin’ 'Merica when Trump got elected?

It would be a mistake to confuse academics and petty bureaucrats with “brains.”


There are several articles out about this now. I picked one. I never said it was comprehensive. It was more to demonstrate Hey, here’s this thing people are talking about. And—still—I didn’t really assume anything.

I have no idea what will happen and I rarely make predictions here. My OP—as almost all of them are—is deliberately not provocative, partisan, ideological, or insulting. It asks a question that I don’t know the answer to as a way to solicit the honest thoughts of people on a forum.


Maybe. Maybe not.

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I had a couple of lib relatives that were going to leave the country when Bush won.

Then they were “selling” their house to move out when Trump won.

They are still here. Wild horses couldn’t drag them out.

There were lies told about the 10 year old girl.

They weren’t by Biden.

(Oh and the way the RW narrative went from “it didn’t happen” to “Biden’s Open Borders are to blame!” was breathtaking in the speed and strength of the Doublethink and Reality Altering).

But I’m sure in your comfy Unreality Bubble that’s what you were told.