Red State Brain Drain

does “precisely the opposite” include the blue states passing laws that make abortion legal until only the feet are left in the womb?

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They still feel pain. No matter how much you want to try and say they don’t they do.

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They mess up those diagnoses sometime too. Had a sister in law they gave 2 years to and she lived another 11 years.

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Do you think the easing of the Missouri no exemption abortion ban will happen in november? or 2024? 26?

I remember this doberman, he use to run around the barn looking at loft where the cat were. Cat teased the ■■■■ out of him. So I taught him to jump in the back of pickup, on top of hey bales and into the loft.

Well he did just that…and finally caught himself a cat. What did he do? His entire body was shaking…he didn’t know what to do with that cat after all theses years.

Well that’s where they are now. They caught the cat…now what?

Who’s at the bottom and what will change it?


No exemptions? Whose (D)umbass lies are you parroting today? :rofl:

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The same citizens who votes for reps who enacted all these trigger laws?

Sadly- whats next seems to be getting even more weird- going after doctors from other states who perform abortions, talk of a national abortion ban. You know- craziness.

Natives, and probably nothing so long as they have their own reservations. Not that I don’t think they should have bigger reservations.

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How can a woman abort a viable fetus at 38 weeks? At that point it’s just giving birth.

Under Missouri’s trigger law, abortions will only be permitted in cases of a medical emergency. There are no exceptions for rape or incest.

Oh…and yes I’m extremely radical.

Not on this issue if you are ok with abortion up to 15 weeks.

Not your business what they do or don’t do if you don’t live there.
Stay in your own backyard. Roe would not have been overturned if you had stayed in your backyard to begin with.

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Her body her choice.

Not the states call.

I believe the body inside her body is not her body.

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apparently, it is