Red Flag Laws. Here’s what will happen

Or in your face.

Police come in with guns drawn yelling “Drop the gun!”

You do and it goes off, what happens?

Personally I don’t want to be around a sumbitch who throws guns on the ground. Amateurs.


Specially if it’s a nice piece.

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Good post, Guvnah as always.

And you make several valid points.

The key word being “trigger”. Which is subjective is it not?

You know what? Everyone needs to take their nose out of everyone else’s ass and start minding their own business.

If there is a freak and you are seriously concerned then yes. Reach out. But hey, don’t be surprised if no one takes you seriously. Cause they sure as hell didn’t take all of the warnings received about the Parkland shooter seriously, did they.

All of this? It is just “feel good” stuff. Like putting a bandaid on an arterial wound and thinking it will all work out.

The root cause is not being addressed because that ventures into territory that is too conflicting with the liberal agenda. We need stay at home moms and we need to place an incredible value on that rather than feminist devaluation or shame to it. Because our children are our most precious resources.

We need family units that teach morals, values and yes, personal responsibility and the consequences of bad choices and the rewards of good choices. No participation awards because while that may feel good at the moment, it isn’t preparation for the real world.

The “progress” the progressives have attempted has taken us ten steps backwards when we should have been moving forward.

Enough is enough. You libs got your chance and the results have been a disaster. Shame on you that you want to double down on the same.

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DMK: Social Metaphysician!

All “family units” teach morals and values.

The content of “personal responsibility” is arbitrary. It’s invocation in many cases only sidesteps political opposition, failing to actually confront what they have to say.

What? Progressives or whatever folks you have in mind don’t support “consequences” for “bad choices”? Have you seen the Twitter lynch mobs? Sure seems like they believe in consequences for what they take to be bad choices.


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These red flag laws are worrisome. I’m not very fearful that SixFoot’s drama is a big risk, but the policy of letting so many people be able to petition for confiscation.

After twenty years on the books with only one court challenge, red flag laws have worked well in Connecticut.

Because liberals don’t want to stop at just a few gun laws. There’s always “progress” to be made. Their buzzword “sensible” means only what they deem to be “sensible.” No compromise.

Yes. Liberals don’t want compromise on this.

So liberals can make calls regarding everyone who owns a firearm, police are required to respond, and the firearms have to be surrendered. Yeah, that sounds fair.

That’s exactly what liberals want.

So the police can say anyone and everyone who owns a firearm need to have them removed from the home. No recourse. Submit.

Not if the police show up because they want to remove them with guns drawn.

The same libs who participated in the flag war are the same libs scoffing at the idea of these red flag laws being a bad thing.

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No recourse to keep his firearms.

See the precursor. It will be much less risky to Red Flag.

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Yup. Until the day it backfires on them.

He would of had recourse if he wasn’t so colossally stupid and fired his weapon when the officer grabbed it.

There is no recourse. Police show up on your doorstep and demanding your firearms? There’s no precursor, no actions you can take.

well maybe he shouldn’t have fired his gun in front of the police.

And thanks to the red flag law, all it takes is a call to the police to defuse a potentially deadly situation. They will know what to do and they will have the lawful authority to do it.

All it takes is a call, and the police can seize your firearms and lock you up at any time.

One call.