Really another flagging war?

Some people are really showing off thin skin. Like responding to someone who wants to disenfranchise democratic voters with “i hope that person doesn’t expect anyone to thank them for their service” gets your post deleted but wanting to disenfranchise a whole segment of voters doesnt?


If people stay on topic. They have nothing to fear. Obsessing on the personal short comings of their fellow forum members is probably a bad idea. Treading on thin ice. Stay focused on the topical discussions and everything will be cool. It’s not that hard if folks try. :+1:

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It was on topic. I responded to a poster who wants my rights eliminated. I dont think ill be taking advice from you.

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And there you have it. It’s your bad attitude. I spoke with you respectfully and you chose not to reply in kind. My suggestions were just general good manners suggestions. And they offended you. Why? What did I do to you?

You don’t have to accept my advice. You can continue to be flagged if you choose.

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Here’s the deal. You made a snide off topic remark at a poster. Simply disagreeing with his opinion wasn’t enough, so you tried to evoke an emotional response. Getting a deletion of that post wasn’t enough, so you decide to push your luck in community feedback. Im writing this here so you can read a full explanation of why you’re sitting on the sidelines.