Rant Incoming....Mad At National Grid

I’ve never seen such insanity.

Today, I got my gas meter inspected. After they left, I noticed a suspicious odor in my house, and wondered what in gods name is bringing that kind of smell in here.

They finished up their inspection, and I went down to be basement to find the very same fumes (but way stronger, like eye watering) in there and realized it was some kind of paint smell.

At first, I honestly thought one of the cans of paint in my basement started leaking. So I got them all out of there post haste, then did a further inspection to find the real culprit.

They painted the gas lines! The paint was still wet, and I used my finger to get a small smidge on my hands to make sure what I was seeing was true.

Why is this important? Down in that basement lives 2 forced air gas furnaces that were pumping that **** into both levels of my house (I own two units, and live in one).

Had National Grid told me they were painting, I could have at the very least known what the smell was in my house, and definitely not freaked out when I smelled paint fumes that strong in my basement (it is a safety concern to me, especially when my eyes are burning).

Am I just being overprotective, or is this a valid concern?

Question: did you call NG and ask?

No. I’ve been working on other stuff all day. But that made me mad they did that without telling me. I get they want to rust proof their stuff, but at least tell me so I don’t freak out like that.

Well, if you do figure out why, let us know. I’m curious.

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