Random Questions That Bug Me


Same here. Cut the cord about a decade ago. The commercials were too annoying to put up with. Why should I have to pay for that?

We are now in an RV (due to the hurricane) and we were subjected to commercials once again until I started using a hotspot.

The worse was the inundation of the Medicare commercials. :face_vomiting:

It’s interesting how the Golf Channel seems to figure most of its viewers have ED, based on the commercials

Why the ■■■■ my wife can never remember a password or use password manager. :rage:

I love her but my god every time she goes online I have to reset every ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ site password as she invalidates them.


Prescribers are solicited directly by drug companies.

I get them listening to SiriusXM in the car. The K4K ones are everywhere.

I remember being engaged having to do anything tech related for my fiancé.

Girl was smart at many things but my God her digital life was a damn mess.

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That is only one aspect of reaching prescribers.

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Perhaps, but ads on commercial TV are not likely to influence doctors to prescribe those drugs. I have had several doctors tell me that they wish those ads were banned.

You’re lucky. My wife asks me that even when I’m in the same room. :wink:

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My wife keeps asking me why I leave the toilet seat up at night when I come to bed?

It bugs me that she hasn’t figured out that the squeal in the middle of the night as she sits down is pre-planned.


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Worse than the highly visual suffering dogs and cats commercials?

[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:27, topic:243700, full:true”]

Are doctors even considering doing it for that reason?

My brother was a sales rep for a company I shall not name that makes certain medications. He had carte blanche to do whatever it took to get doctors to use their products. NFL season tickets, the most expensive restaurants, exotic vacations, whatever doc wants doc gets.

Then the doctor gets patients coming in and literally demanding certain medications and the writing is on the wall.


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I know the female drug reps are pretty told to put out if necessary to get the doctors writing prescriptions.

I don’t doubt it. His expense account was basically unlimited.

Wait, what? I was a pharma rep for years and no such thing was ever inferred. As a matter of fact, something like that would have been highly frowned upon.

I used to get into big trouble for not spending my budget. My reply was always, “If the drug can’t stand on its own then it shouldn’t have to be bought”.

One of my pet peeves was bringing lunch in so I could talk to the doctor only to have the staff scarf everything up before he got there. Total heifers. :face_vomiting:

Free food!! :rofl: