Rand Paul and remdesivir

Everyone invested in Gilead around that time. They were betting on them being the first with a vaccine because of their success with chicken viruses if I recall correctly.

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Not familiar with it. Either way people are always looking for edge. Sometimes it pans out…other times it doesn’t.

It’s nature of the game.



It wasn’t my idea. :crazy_face: I ask the lady what looks good, she gives me a list, and I choose like a big dumb ape. I give her some money, and she rolls the dice for me. I’ve thought about using robinhood or ameritrade, but I really need someone to blame it on if things go badly, for my marriage.


That’s why I always have a helper…someone to blame my screw ups on.

Wait…libs think this is news? Maybe they need to look into a few other congresscritters.

Bet you will find a few high fallutin’ dems on the list as well as reps who have invested in certain stocks lately.

Cast the first stone baby.


congresspeople and senators should be banned from buying individual stocks.
and if they are caught trading on non public knowledge they should be fined 3x the amount of the investment. not just on any profits or losses. invest 15k and lose 5k on insider knowledge you are fined 45k (plus any other criminal penalties)

How quickly some forget.



During a time when everyone was betting on a rapidly deployed vaccine…

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Yeah! And their kids taken away!


:+1: :+1: :rofl: :rofl:

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Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi.


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Don’t need a vaccine…take remdesivir…my wife owns stock…


I think the point is, no one knew a pandemic was occurring…except congress. And the Paul family kept on that information.

You OK with that?

Kind of explain’s pauls need to down play vaccines and sell treatments doesn’t it?

Are you a US senator that knew this was a pandemic before the general public knew this was a pandemic?

because Rand Paul was.

In Feb 2020?

He’s a libertarian Conservative. Now tell me how libertarian conservative thinks?

You didn’t know back in Feb 2020. We actually have threads here.

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