Raise Taxes If You Don't Want Interest Rate Hikes

It’s not.

It’s why in the end he was forced to turn to less than scrupulous sources for financing.

No! The statement “the guy managed to go bankrupt with almost every venture he touched” is absolutely a gross exaggeration. He has had many times more successful business ventures than he has had bankruptcies

Not a lib or a Republican. But little people have voted for things like tax cuts which ran up the debt and benefit from programs too .

I am suggesting using a vat tax to slow down inflation instead of interest rates which benefits mostly the wealthy.

The vat tax would go into debt or programs for people.

I don’t have a problem with raising taxes as they are too low. But I am a realist everyone shares the debt and if you want programs like healthcare for all and post secondary education for all it will costs.

But if you need to slow down inflation which raising taxes on high earners alone will not do a vat tax will.

Yes, raise taxes because heaven forbid they slash spending.