RAHM’S FINAL ACT: Outgoing Chicago Mayor Weighs UNIVERSAL INCOME for City’s Poor

Originally published at: https://www.hannity.com/media-room/rahms-final-act-outgoing-chicago-mayor-weighs-universal-income-for-citys-poor/

Outgoing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced his plan to “form a task force” this week to investigate the implementation of a “universal basic income” for the city’s poorest residents; a move likely to “cement his progressive legacy.”

According to Fox News, Emanuel’s program would make monthly payments for Chicago residents “without any conditions.” Initial estimates place the figure at $500 per month per family.

“Chicago would be the largest city in the country to take this step,” said one Chicago official. “I think the mayor sees this as a chance to lead the way as cities try to grapple with poverty and income inequality at a time the federal government is not addressing those things. This would be a legacy issue [for Emanuel].”

Chicago continues to struggle with escalating gun violence and widespread crime, with recent figures showing over 25% of the city’s population living below the poverty line.

Read the full story at Fox News.