Quite a few trump supporters think Dem's involved in sex trafficking


And yet somehow the people who fight fascism are the problem…

I’m pretty sick and tired of the all to common looking the other way, I didn’t see the tweet, I don’t know anything about them…with Q and other racist, anti-semites.

well… you’ll get over it, or you won’t, either way my life continues as before.

There isn’t really any “Qnons”. There is Q and then there are Q fans and “anons”.

Q Fans are not into shooting people up against a wall in a firing squad. That’s nuts and hysterical.

Q fans would agree with severe penalties for child trafficking and Treasonous or violent behavior against the USA. Q fans would want legal law enforcement. They are not radicals like leftists.

So what’s the Q pulse on Rudy right about now?

Rebranding the blood libel, the Protocols and puppetmasters is still antisemitism?

except for the guy who went to shoot up that pizza joint.

Are you a shepson regurgibleeting the nonsense they were fed? You seemed sure of what you were saying.

Why are people so worried about the Q people? It looks bad when people “protest too much.” Guilty even.

Stupid or not, they have a right to their own beliefs as long as they do not encroach upon another’s rights.

Does mass murder count as encroaching on another’s rights?

Also this is the same song and dance I heard from conservatives about white nationalists in the 2016 election.

Liberal playbook.

Women are supposed to be Liberal.

All non-whites are supposed to be Liberal.

Who does that leave? The white male and he must be silenced.

Qanon is not the only source opining that the Democrat party entertains a signicant tolerance for paedophilia. One ought not assume that conservatives with that opinion got that opinion from reading Qanon.

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The fallacy of applying the details of one or two specific cases generally to all cases.

Propaganda works.

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Isnt Qanon just a guy that posts things on a chan board?
hows that a source, lol.

This is all so profoundly dumb. How do people fall for this kind of crap? So dumb and sad.

I am sure that this was how it was introduced several years ago. Since then, libology has evolved it into the current theme. I can’t keep up with lib nonsense. Sorry.

Yes, yes - the blood libel has ancient roots. Slavic ones, too.

Does anyone think that there are no sex traffickers are among the millions of Democrats? Depending on how the question is phrased, you can get what ever answer you are looking for.

My observation is that a similar poll of Democrats would show a shocking belief in debunked hoaxes and conspiracy theories such as these:

  1. Trump has never condemned neo-Nazis.

  2. The fine-people hoax.
    DNC 2020: Joe Biden convention speech fact-checked - BBC News

  3. The Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
    Robert Mueller finds no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia | Fox News

President Clinton was so brazen sexually, that he jammed a cigar up a young girl’s vagina, while she was giving him head…in the WH. Jeffrey Epstein did have sex with underage girls and is a pedophile. Bill Clinton on many occasions flew with Epstein on his private jet and visited his private island…without Hillary. It’s said that Epstein committed suicide…and that all the cameras…malfunctioned. What does this prove…nothing. What does it strongly indicate? You decide but when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck…

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You think those examples are equivalent to thinking Dems are Satanists canibals who run pedophilia sex traffic businesses out of pizza shops?