Quick- it's election year, let's pretend we care!

Duh, the bill didn’t even make it out of the Senate, unlike HR2 which made it out of the House and was sent to the Senate, where Schumer did nothing with it.


non starter. not bipartisan unlike the senate negotiated bill.

both parties need to okay it.


What a crock of horse ■■■■

The house didn’t take that bill up because the senate didn’t pass it…it was a bad bill. It would have codified at least 1.8 million illegals a year coming to America, tied the hands of future presidents, and was all about funding Ukraine using a little bit of border funding as bait.

Why didn’t term limits poster child Chuck Schumer take up HR2…which actually passed out if the house. What an idiotic question.

The real question is why are you supporting the architect of the destruction of the southern border Joe Biden (another term limits poster child.).

Why did Biden walk into the White House and destroy every border policy that was working.

Three years and 10 or more million illegals and now your boy Biden wants to pretend he cares about the destruction he’s caused.

Give me a break.


not bipartisan unlike the senate bill. duh.

both sides have to sign off in this divided congress.


This is a ■■■■■■■■ dishonest talking point.

Republicans have been telling Biden to go back to the policies that were working that he destroyed with a series of ill advised executive orders. Republicans have been telling that senile old fart he doesn’t need Congress he created this mess on his own he can solve it the same way.

Why are you not telling the truth.


Guess what the house actually passed its bill…

The senate did not so your position is nonsense.

Now back to the topic of the thread…you have avoided comment on the excellent OP which laid how how superficial and nonsensical this upcoming Biden border visit is.

He broke it …what is now to be accomplished by him wasting everyone’s time visiting the site if his destruction…kinda like bin Laden dropping by the World Trade Center in 2002 asking “gee what happened here” doncha think?


not a talking point. but a fact.

republicans have been talking about immigration reform for ages

who said this recent.

“We must make policy changes to reduce the flow of immigration. The world is on fire and threats to our homeland are at an all-time high. President Biden’s border policies are not working and it’s time to change course. Our proposal makes the necessary changes that our country needs at this critical time,”


What an excellent post, it’s absolutely the truth because everything leftists accuse others of doing are guilty of it themselves!

Did the senate bill pass or fail in the senate yes or no?

Stop trolling.

would have passed on an up and down vote in the senate.


Did it pass in the senate…yes or no.


Not in this case. Obama was 1000 times better on the border than Biden.

Thank God this bill is dead. It did absolutely nothing for border security. It gave Biden the option of closing the border if we have more than 5000 invaders a day.
He has that option right now. He doesn’t need a new law.

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Trollin’ trollin’ trollin’
Keep illegals rollin’

Keep them Libs a trollin’ rawhide

While Americans are dyin’
Libs just keep a lyin’

Keep illegals rollin’… RAWHIDE!!!


I had the rawhide theme in my mind above…just not as good a lyricist as you!!!

Yes, the dems even have gas prices going down in Cal. But we all know if they win. Gas prices will explode again.

The Biden admin is buying Venezuela’s oil even when they are threatening to invade their neighbor.

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What was presented to the republicans was a toothless bill that did little more than shower foreign governments with billions of taxpayer dollars with little to no effect on the border issue…aside from giving biden a talking point to further dupe his supporters.

Biden and his cohorts caused this mess, duped his supporters into the idea that there was no mess and is now trying to gaslight the public into believing that the Republicans are responsible for the mess.


Poking fun of Libs has become one of my favorite hobbies, and it’s so easy to do too! :grinning:

It’s also odd that now Biden is considering executive action on the border…after claiming he has allready done everything within his power.


Must’ve slipped his feeble mind that he had the power all along.

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