Questions for Biden supporters about systemic racism

Said someone.

Using / selling. Fail.

Are you trying to compare those two cases? I don’t even have to click the links to start seeing the differences. Fail.

Wealth privilege is not racial. Find me a case of a wealthy black Stanford student convicted of raping and sentenced to 5 years.

Confessed, then changed? Sounds familiar.

Miscarriages of “justice”? Most assuredly. Racial? Absolutely not.

Interesting your pointing to New York and California as examples of something something racial something.

Oh, and I don’t appreciate you referring to my efforts to educate you as a “rant”.

That’s a question that Biden should answer since he has been around the “systemic racism” for 50 years. :roll_eyes:

Is your definition of “innocent”

-they didn’t do it
-the law could not convict them

Or do you think those are the same thing?

Can’t have one without the other.

But why do you think our criminal justice system has always focused on the selling side of the equation instead of the use side?

Ok, well, despite obvious evidence you seem to believe there is no such thing as systemic racism.

Very well.

Umm because if I buy a drug and overdose, I have committed suicide. If I sold you a drug that killed you, I have committed murder? Are you somehow imagining it is for some racial reason?

You haven’t proven it does. There is no “obvious evidence”.

It did. It doesn’t.

You do know, dont you (?) that the left really is trying to codify the occurence of unequal outcomes at the statistical level as “systemic racism”.

You have a good post. But the left on this site is shaking their collective heads saying “he just doesn’t understand what systemic racism is.”

Why do you think it is? Are you claiming there are more black drug dealers?

Yes, I do. The left doesn’t know what the word systemic means.

If my fellow travelers were being honest, they would acknowledge that Crime Bill Joe is less likely than an erratic Trump to do any damage to structural racism.

As for structural racism, it is the very economic, political and social construct of American life. It is no easier for a beneficiary of its redistributive forces too see its obviousness than it is for a white Dutchman too see Zwarte Piet as overtly racist.

If they can change the definition of “man” and “woman”, anything is vulnerable to their strategy of controlling the lexicon.

Now it’s structural and invisible to everybody but libs.

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Or for a black man to see Al Sharpton as overtly racist.

Sure… if you could see it, you could fix it. And then their grievance and victimhood is eliminated and Democrats lose their reason for being.
Can’t have THAT!


But they see it.

That’s because they are WOKE :joy:

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