Question for libs

Says the guy that supports mask mandates…specially for children.


They are what they do. And as has been astutely observed above in another post, those who embrace freedom don’t keep people dependent on them. They help people to break free from that dependency.

But progressive liberals only make their voters more and more like pets, depending on them for every thing from food to bail relief to housing to … crack pipes and needles.


I need a definition of “Freedom”

I think gun restrictions are Anti-Freedom.
I also, think first trimester abortion restrictions are Anti-Freedom.

I know a whole bunch of people on the left and right will disagree with some part of the above.


Define “freedom” then we can talk.

Minor inconvenience under a very unique time. It’s temporary.

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I actually agree with you. :wink:

I don’t like the the idea or concept of abortion…even if it’s in early stage. But I refuse to give the power to government. But yet all the libs on this forum demand you be vaccinated or be punished if you aren’t.

Libs here has no concept of what freedom is.


So you’re not liberal. Hiding behind liberalism to push your authoritarianism.


Freedom is not absolute.

That is the concept that people tend to ignore.

Punished by the government?

Define freedom please?

Says people who can’t even define what a man or woman is.



I am asking a conservative. I am not asking a lib.

No, I’m pretty much a liberal. You’d be for mask mandates if the disease was 100% fatal and mask efficacy were 99% in stopping transmission from infected to non-infected if the infected wore a mask.

Cons use “Freedom” as a political purity test.


This is a perfect example of anti-freedom righties. Who is a man living his life as a woman hurting?

Strawman. You lose.

You started with a strawman:
“Says people who can’t even define what a man or woman is.”

You lost the moment you brought that into this thread! Try again!

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“Freedom” would seem to mean people have the freedom to be a man or woman.

But conservatives don’t believe that… so it’s really funny he brought that up. Perfect example of freedom…

There’s nothing bad with freedom nor is it a far right concept. Unless you’re an anarchist you understand that some amount of laws are necessary for a functioning society. The right and left in the US both support freedom but disagree on which laws are necessary.

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If it isn’t free and this is your take, you do not know the very definition of freedom. Either it is or it isn’t and there is no in between.