Quantity or Quality?

Ahhhhhhhh…thanks. That is a prerequisite to this idea ever having a chance to succeed. If the educational system cheats and doesn’t actively and honestly participate, nothing will change for the better, for the child. The idea is to get the child actively involved in their own education and the best chance of doing so, is the parent also being involved.

Yes, we know that is your position. Thus the question: Is education solely for the purpose of making people good economic cogs?

That is quite a fairy tale.

How so?

What do you mean?

The Clinton years just codified the Reagan years. Same deal with Obama and Bush.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

There were no “greedy” people before 1980? Nobody ever complained about government overreach before 1980? There was never any attempt to reduce regulation before 1980? Nobody ever looked up to the wealthy before 1980?

If you really want to point at a President who changed a culture, we’re going to ignore FDR and 1933? Or how about Lyndon Racist Johnson and 1964?

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Reagan corporatism ushered in Clinton corporatism.


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You are completely ignoring history.

Sorry, history, what do you have to say?

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As I’m reading these posts about economic disparity, I wonder…how many of those bitching, buy things from Amazon?

Nothing new under the sun.

Amazon, Walmart, etc…are simply playing by the rules the Oligarch’s have put in place.

The rules need to be changed. Like they were in the 1930’s, to prevent similar actions.

Do you buy anything from Amazon? If yes, you are either purposefully or ignorantly a part of the problem of economic disparity…period.

Who told you that? Do you even know where it comes from?

Too late. The free stuff comes from legislated self serving social programs that have morphed well beyond their intended concept. They’ve in effect created programs that encourage laziness, ignorance, immortality, victim hood and abject poverty.

IOW…reinstate Glass-Stegall? I agree. It was criminal to ever remove it and we didn’t even go a decade before the expected outcome from doing so, happened.

Of courser there were greedy people…but it was not glorified, and thought as an asset, like it became in the 80’s.

There has always been debate of the role of government…but the concept that government, our system of government is the problem, put doubt and trust in this experiment of a democratic republic.

That has gone on steroids as of latte, with doubting the integrity of the voting process.

FDR’s policies, for the most part, helped lower corporate greed, and levied high taxes on the royal economists of the day (his term for the rich).

As Rush once famously said, Reagan and the Republicans plan is to tear all that down. In a lot of ways, they did.

And yes LBJ, the racist who signed the CRA, VRA, and the biggest legislation that help POC and white people, get out of poverty.

Sorry, but most people do not want to live in the world you feel is ideal.

:rofl: This constant narrative building!

Those policies put the mouth on the teat.

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