QAnon cult--and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest

You poor thing.

“globalist fiends”…:laughing:

The President reading the Hannity Forum and reacting to absurd leftist fruitcakes.

(((((((SOROS)))))) is the evil Jewish conspiracy.

Any connection to the Kobayashi Maru plan?

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Stepped in what Mx. 999? Did you say you and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest? Is that like Obama becoming a nudist? Who is Jade Helm? Heard of Jesse Helms. Any relation?


I’m still waiting for @rp5x5 to share with us who’s getting paid to post here because I want to figure out how to get paid.

I’m sure she’s got it cold just like Glenn Beck did with the Boston Marathon bombing.

Does this guy speak directly to you too…

What’s wrong with his face?

The President doesn’t “read” anything.


Be fair, he seems to read a fair number of Tweets that confirm his preconceived notions, or stroke his ego. Though, I suppose he might have a staffer assigned to read them to him.

It will happen right after all that other list of completely :banana: stuff she predicted in this thread comes to pass.

Granted. He also seems to be able to get through a TelePrompTer. Which used to be a terrible awful very bad thing for a president to read.


I don’t need any reference to understand being critical of the press is not a threat to the first amendment. It would seem dumbass leftist shills do.

Trump lies more while taking a ■■■■ than Hillary lied in her life.

Internet Troll Rule #247:
When you’ve run out of hysterical nonsensical things to say, post a meme!


Idiot echochamber. What a life these bad actors live.

53-47… as Q predicted. lol!