Putin's radioactive escalation

Also Russia has moved a lot of their cash reserve out of EU before invading Ukraine
sure the Russian citizen are going to get screwed over by these sanction, but the government has padded themselves in advance.

China/Russia also have their own alternative to SWIFT.

He’s not going to nuke Ukraine. He wants it for its vast resources.

He’s not going to nuke a country or part of it and then not be Able to get to the resources.

I’m thinking the next step is thermobaric weapons on city centers assuming the upcoming negotiations fail. Basically a repeat of the Grozny incident.

If that doesn’t make the Ukrainians surrender (and as of now, I doubt anything will, they are fighting their hearts out; they are all true patriots) then I think that is when Putin pulls out a dreaded weapon. Russia’s left over nerve agents like Sarin.

Basically it’ll turn the entrenched battle lines into World War I style hell holes. It’ll make life miserable for Russian troops as well, since they’ll have have to wear their MOPP gear at all times while engaged.

And now the prices on matryoshkas are going to skyrocket… THANKS BRANDON.

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they pushed back opening the market and banned all non Russian from selling securities.

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Swift ban is still going to hurt them. I am getting a treaty of Versailles vibe here

Russia bank are freaking out currently they pushed by the market opening.

Really bad idea to push a nuclear power to bankruptcy

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I swear I am stranded in a dysfunctional multiverse. We might die a nuclear death tomorrow

Its only been four days.

Are you serious? Last couple of years hasn’t struck you as odd? Pandemic, UAP’s, Trump? All normal for you?

Technically it’s lowering the level. Defcon 2 is more serious than Defcon 3.

Just what the world needs … a man with a bug infested brain starting a war, who has nukes in his pockets.

Our job to figure out his demented psyche, because failure equals
No more humans

Here is the real thing though, you are either a really tragic mayfly or you person beyond

As a man married to a Ukrainian I can say veraciously the world is prettier place with them it’s not doing men any good that they are being killed in a war.


Nobody pushes Putin.


…vs a man w/a bug infested brain with nukes in his pockets.


…and I hope her family fairs well.

So we’ve got 20 more years. Okay.