Pure Evil - How Far Are they Willing To Go?

really? and here i thought it was the undeserved arrogance and faux intellectualism


when the left can’t lord over you with their ideals like in college or on cnn news segments they object emotionally.

to be expected

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this is an interesting thread. lets continue discussion

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personally, i think the whole “woke” social justice thing is nothing more than ignorance from people who assume “equity” of results equals “justice” and don’t realize justice is not a group thing, its meted out individually. a person can receive justice, good or bad, a group cannot. groups have no rights and receive no justice, they are not a person. in reality they are not even “people” though people may be in them. they are like the folder you put a report in, a title, an identifier, but not what matters. what matters is on the inside.


“justice” is a concept distorted by the left in their juvenile quest to make things “even”.

they use terms like “equity” and even “equal” to carry this narrative for them as you pointed out

as the op suggests they must create this supposed “inequity” before they can rail against it as though the awful system at hand wont ever

it’s insulting to the non-idiot

aka any thinking man



Are you addressing me?

Marcuse was German, as was Mad Max.

I just don’t understand?

There are no assumptions from me.


Good one.

immiserate - good word. Evil, but a good description.

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All that Fractal wrongness

That’s why many of your “oppressed” Marxist’s in America come from affluent backgrounds. There’s no such thing as a poor communist.
One of my good friends has 2 sons (ages 29 and 27) who still live at home. Neither will move out because they are “worried about the economy” the boomers left them. They make between $40-50k each in Kentucky, which has a very low cost of living. Neither pay rent, and only pay for their own phone bills and cars/car insurance.
Other than work, my friend says they do nothing but bitch about climate change and conservatives. He accepts the blame but their mom sides with them so he is basically relegated to isolating himself in the basement, away from the political speech and incessant sounds of CNN in the background. He wants them moved out, yesterday.
These two have been given an extremely comfortable lifestyle while learning to hate America in school and via losers on Reddit, Huffpost, etc . They were both hardcore Bernie supporters by the way.


Are they communists or democractic socialists?

Neo-Marxists. Post-modernists.

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131k k-12 schools…

Why percentage are we at today? Gotta update for me?

(Looks at the OP)


You know liberty323’s friends? Small world.

If they think the way he describes, yes.

It’s not zero, like you claimed.

Paulo Freire
bell hooks
Henry Giroux (especially)

They even have a TEXTBOOK!!!