Protest at Apple Iphone (Foxconn) factory turns violent

When the workers figure out there’s more of them than the police?
Could be fun to watch

If I’m alive in 2035 I’ll be 85 years old. At that point my concerns will be for my children and grandchildren.

Won’t be long until a bunch get the Babbitt treatment.

We won’t have video of that.

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Here they are using mostly peaceful pieces of metal.

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Yep. I was just getting ready to post “take a good look at the riot… the same thing with the same cause is headed here.” The Liberal World Order is anything but Liberal in a classical sense. Control control control is their mantra. See how they try to control countries in the EU. They will be no less controlling with individuals.


The slave labor is evil. But boycotting the products simply makes the workers expendable. They might end up as dog food.

And FWIW … I don’t use i-phones.

PS… I dont have a solution.

This is a Chinese factory dorm.

And then the girls go to work.

China is too large. What leader could actually humanely lead such a large mass of people?
If it splintered into smaller sovereign countries, I think this kind of treatment of people would be greatly reduced.

And this is my point regarding the NWO. The proponents want it to be large… all encompassing… one set of laws… one set of acceptable behaviors. We are definitely headed there.

Maybe it will break up like the Soviet Union did.

Here is the Bloomberg (financial news) coverage of the event.

I’m beginning to think the Chinese might be a couple of leaders short of a revolution.

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Really is Laptop libs all support slave class.

They just need a Chinese Sam Adams. Or really just another Sun Yat-Sen.

The CPC knows this. Which is why anyone with revolutionary ideas spends their life in the work camp system.

The CPC has become the counter-revolutionary force. And they will do whatever it takes to hold on to the power.

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Sounds familiar…

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The thing about Sun Yat-Sen is that although he was a good man with good ideals, it would not be hard to make his teachings fit those of the bad guy nationalists (Tojo, Hitler etc.) He truly believed in a race-based nationalism.

The CCP should go. It definitely should go.

But it would NOT be prudent of us to assume, cookie-cutter style, that “anything which opposes the CCP is a supporter of Western democratic pluralism.”

After witnessing Fauci and his applied expertise in managing this pandemic…I’d rather go it alone…literally…cept for the Mrs. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Personally…I’d prefer a profit sharing system, cut out the middleman and let’s get er done. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

The Wound of History

Eyes covered up, they think we can’t see.
Ears covered up, they think we can’t hear.
And truth is in my heart, agony on my chest.
Can’t stand any more! Can’t stay silent any longer!

If warm tears can rinse away the dirt,
If warm blood can help win freedom.
Let the roar of today be remembered tomorrow,
Let the whole world see the wound of history!

(translated) Lyrics from a Taiwan-Chinese protest song in remembrance of the Tiananmen massacre. Song was song one lyric at a time in “We are the World” style by virtually every top Taiwan recording artist at the time.


Unable to contain the quasi slaves to the factory-and-dormitory compound,
Chinese authorities are now allegedly blocking roads allegedly to keep the workers protest contained and under quasi-siege.