Property Taxes in Texas

Yes. BYOB.

Bring your own bucket.

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Don’t you just get to deduct those property taxes from your federal taxes? That’s a pretty good benefit.

As was the style.

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Pulitzer ok. Medal of freedom ok.

The rest if them no.

Not all of it.

Sure it did. It started where they’re coming from now. Save your links. I was there.

Why not all of it?

  • Nobel but science only then we have a deal.

I don’t know. Because they suck.

STEM and I get Quigley champ for each year.

Someone notify the president. We’ve got this all figured out.

Don’t bother, he’ll screw it up. Besides, it’s a state thing.

Buy an island, or go to a very, very remote area.

Problem solved.

I recently turned 70. I’m for not paying any property taxes past 70.

Actually, I get a significant reduction in my property taxes here in Dallas because I am a senior. At the same time, because I no longer feel required to invest significant portions of my income and because of the growth of my investments in value over the years, I have more spendable inflow of cash that I have at any previous time. I suppose the logic is that many people have less income at that time, but that isn’t always the case.

But I’m not offering to pay the extra amount.

Done. Stop having lib babies. Problem solved.

You should have to pay extra because the Cowboys are on tv.

Not at my house.

You do know why.

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I don’t know that I’d go for that but I’d certainly support freezing them at age 50 so retirees don’t end up having to sell their property because they can’t keep up with the increases in taxes as their incomes freeze or decline.

Our VFD’s are generally funded via donations. The towns they are located in fund the maintenance and new equipment through sales tax revenues and fund raisers in many if not most communities.