US Coast Guard fired Admiral evicted from her quarters.
She was fired two weeks ago and told to pack her ■■■■ and get the ■■■■ out. Then given 2 hours to vacate!
Sorry I have no pity on a high rank officer dismissed then abusing the base officers quarters courtesy.
His reasoning is correct, cocaine is less harmful and causes less impairment to peopke than whiskey. But his conclusion as to why it’s illegal is wrong. Being from Columbia doesn’t enter into it. The primary reason it is illegal is for the same reason that marijauna is (Federally). … because the alcohol industry successfully lobbied to make it illegal.
The only significant difference (besides one being a powder and the other being a liquid) is that alcohol is a depressant and causes deterioration of both physical and mental faculties and cocaine is a stimulant that doesn’t mess very much with those faculties except to make you feel energetic and awake. Both are damaging to the body over the long term, both are addictive (both physically and psychologically) and both adversely affects mental judgement.