Progressive Democrat Hatred this 4th of July

Plato was a moron, so thank you.

Do you have power?

:rofl: You’re welcome.

So, as much conversation as the revolution + the conversation about the revolution.

About me? I’d just prefer it be taught for the fraction of the history it was in light of all of the other factors and not politicized.

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:rofl: Every breath you take, every post you make. Sting

You must be joking.

Hate for you to miss this:

Not anymore. My children are grown; the laws and customs which secure property do not exclude or work against me, so my children are wealthier than I.

I no longer own and manage a business with employees, having extracted the wealth necessary to treat work as a largely leisure exercise.

That ol’ soft bigotry of low expectations is on full display today.

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Is that not power?

To be fair, the illusion we have completely free choice totally divorced from the circumstances in which we are embedded is a useful illusion for our species to have.

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And yet there you are and here I am. Because choices.

No…what’s on display is your continued penchant for reading into posts things which are not there.

Oh it’s there. My lens is clear and 3x magnification. I’ve got it dialed down, don’t need it right now.

Constrained choices.

Constrained by things of which most of us are not aware.

These constraints are far more important than you believe them to be.

:rofl: If I’m not aware of it…

Your lack of awareness of the constraints do not negate the effects of those constraints.

:rofl: Ok, if you say so.

Your choices are constrained whether you are aware they are constrained or not.

You are the 21st person to enter a classroom with 30 seats. You have absolute free choice over any of the ten seats left open.

You may not be consciously aware of the fact that you only have half the choices the person entering 11th had, but you still have half the choices that person had.

You’re analogy is flawed. I have several other options both before and during your scenario.

List them out and we will talk some more.

No analogy is perfect.