Pro Palestine Protests

I agree. When nuance is removed, extremes take over.

It is perfectly reasonable to understand that both Hamas is is a terrorist organization and that Israel has become a far right government that is violently hostile to all Palestinians.

…before or after the murders of innocent victims on October 7th?


I think a lot of it is that college kids like an underdog, and Israel is clearly the more powerful military force. Coupled with the fact that Israel has not been up to par when it comes to honest dealing with their Palestinian counterparts. The Palestinians do live in an occupied and suppressed territory and the Israelis are still settling in contested areas despite the protests of Palestinians and other nations in the region, such as the Golan Heights.

Israel knew they were going to be attacked and did nothing, they encouraged funding to Hamas by other Arab nations. Netanyahu wanted this to happen so that he could avoid his own arrest for his prior transgressions, a “wag the dog” moment, so to speak.

And this is what the kids are seeing and whinging about. They don’t get the big picture, that Hamas is a terrorist organization, that they are the ones who broke the truce (repeatedly, by the way). That they brutalized women, children and the elderly in a savage attack and then expected Israel to back down. And the Palestinians, for a moment, cheered these attacks and considered it a great victory.

Neither side has clean hands, but none of this happens without Hamas stealing from their own people to mass an attack against an enemy that could never be defeated. And then hiding behind citizens to protect themselves, all the while running to media to accuse Israel of killing citizens they themselves were hiding behind in cowardice.

All of the money that funded hundreds of miles of tunnels could have been spent making life better for the Palestinian people. All of the death could have been avoided had Hamas not hidden in hospitals and public gathering places. And all of this could have been avoided had Israel committed to ousting Netanyahu and pursuing a lasting peace with their neighbors.

This sort of subtlety escapes college kids, they are very black and white because they don’t understand history yet. I don’t consider them anti-semitic, but they are acting that way all the same. Until there are peace talks taken in good faith nothing will change, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.




The Palestinians were offered their own state twice. They turned it down in 1947 and in 2000.


That is not true at all.


Oh so the terrorists surrounding Israel only just started attacking Israel last Oct. 7th

You haters are all alike. Just make up crap to justify your hatred.


College-educated. :rofl:


Naive enough?

The US has been giving money to palistine and you know what they do with it? ( hint, not help their people)

Its much like the whole USA for Africa garbage back in the 80’s. They raised millions to help the starving people of Ethiopia and gave the government millions of dollars to buy food for the people . The government then proptly used that money to buy weapons. Nobody was helped but the warlords.

Same thing going on with palistinians.


Well can you blame them? Even the moderate Palestinians (like Abbas and his cronies in Fatah) continuously state that Israel is illegitimate.

They literally have no one to work with in the Palestinian Territories.

The pro Hamas protestors are getting increasingly violent at Columbia.

No telling what is going to happen before it is over.

It’s honestly funny because they’ve made peace with two of their neighbors, Egypt and Jordan.

And while I believe Bibi belongs in prison due to his corruption charges, it’s not fair to throw this entire ■■■■ show at his and Likud’s feet. Israel has been dealing with a Palestinian problem for decades now.

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I see it as a homegrown plague.
What happens when one ignores the infestation of any sort?
It grows and devours you.
That’s why I don’t believe in complete and unlimited “Rights”.
Humans are not sofisticated enough to be given complete “Freedom” to be stupid.
You have to protect them from stupid othervise you’re nothing more than a recless or neglectful parent.
Now it’s too late…only a plane load of DDT would eradicate it.

This is one of the grossest things i have read on here and again grateful that it’s not a dominant mindset…


I get what you’re saying but freedom is the right of all of people. Regardless if one likes their causes or not. You fight them with words and truth.

Without freedom and liberty there is only slavery.

In my opinion , what is going on in these “elite “ schools is not all that surprising.
They have been programmed by their socialist professors that the US is always the problem and thereby as an offshoot Israel is the problem as it is heavily supported by the “evil” US.

Robert Kraft has the right idea. Defund these institutions of propaganda until they go back to educating.

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There…thank you for standing up.
This is exactly how we got where we are.

We have seen the government of Israel become more and more reactionary over the past twenty years to the point where it is really hard to excuse their actions when it comes to settlements.

It’s so bad that the US is poised to black list a battalion of the IDF.

Israel has the worst people in charge right now.

Although I would admit it’s a bit extreme but when you have college students playing in the middle of the road and expecting people to cater to their whims, he’s got a point.