President Donald Trump publicly undermined his attorney Rudy Giuliani

They’re mostly fond of his cross dressing.

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Rudy? Isn’t he the new coffee boy? I mean with Papadopoulos gone somebody has to do it.

No, no, he’s a short kid who sucks at football. I can’t figure out why the networks had him on to talk about Donald.

My new conspiracy theory is that John Kelly organized all this so we’d forget he calls trump and idiot and that he alone is saving the world.

Jonathan Gruber ring a bell? Well, I guess he did know the facts.

and he only did his interview AFTER they rammed Obamacare down our throats with lies.


And here I thought conservatives using the “shoving it down our throat” thing had been abandoned after gay marriage became universal.

Drawzzzz… what are you doing up at this time? Or… what are you doing posting on a political forum at ten till 2 am? Shouldn’t you be … you know… oooh la la?

It’s ten till 1 where I am, and who says I’m not? I can multi-task.

Now I know why you are being called by our Lord to serve him. You are the exceptional one, Drawzzzzz.

Why do you add the extra z’s?

it’s my good buddy name for you, buddy.

It’s pronounced Drawzeeeee.

Oh… okay.

Okay, that’s just a weird post.

NYT reporting Trump knew about the payments months before he denied it.

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Saw that.

My system of assuming everything he says is a lie until proven otherwise is working out really well.

Why would the greatest dealmaker of all time pay someone $130,000 for making a false allegations?

“He’ll get his fact straight.”

I think he already did.

It’s so pathetic. Guiliani - America’s Mayor…now is eating ■■■■ because he threw his hat is with a fraud.