Power Hungry Democrats Political Prosecutions

I am not a lawyer either but it seems to me that if his personal lawyer went to jail for a crime where the only reason Donald Trump was not charged was because he was President at the time… it seems to me that arguing that he is being treated poorly is a little silly.


It seems to me that you are supporting the kind if political corruption that destroys great institutions like our justice system.


It was investigated by the feds and SEC and both declined to prosecute. What Braggs is doing is prosecuting as a Felony by claiming it was a Federal crime. I can’t see how you can claim that if the feds declined to prosecute.


Johnathon Turley argues that this farce is an indictment of the New York legal system…

“ Below is my column in the New York Post on the start of the Trump trial today in New York. I have long been critical of the case as a clear example of the weaponization of the criminal justice system. No one seriously believes that Alvin Bragg would have spent this time and money to prosecute what is ordinarily a state misdemeanor if the defendant was anyone other than Trump. One does not have to like Trump to repel from the spectacle about to unfold in Manhattan.”


No he didn’t.

“COHEN, 51, of NEW YORK, NEW YORK, pleaded guilty to five counts of willful tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a bank; one count of causing an unlawful campaign contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.”


We had a President signing hush money checks in the Oval Office after he illicitly covered up an affair with a porn star.

I think that we crossed the rubicon quite a while ago.


I actually agree with you guys that Bragg is prosecuting this on pretty shaky grounds.

That doesn’t change the fact that it happened and his personal lawyer went to jail for participating in this conspiracy


Read the post by @stodr above…

Though to be fair, looking at the performance of his lawyer yesterday its quite possible they are inept LOL.

Though we all know that the Trump acolytes will read the link and say the judge is biased part of the deep state :roll_eyes:

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The one where I responded to and said that I actually agree that Bragg is prosecuting this on shaky ground but went on to say that we can’t deny that he did this action and his personal lawyer went to jail for being part of the conspiracy?

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You should stop typing now. The post I referred to blew up your incorrect point about why cohen went to jail. Everyone of your “points” has been blown up.

Why are you endorsing a corrupt political prosecution…does t that seem alittle unAmerican to you?


Funny thing is that part of it wasn’t illegal.

What got him in trouble was classification. They classified it as business expenses. Had he simply had her quietly sign an NDA and then paid the 130,000 straight to her directly no one could have said anything.

Cohen didn’t go to jail?

It is a matter of opinion whether or not that this is corrupt.

I personally don’t think that it is. Cohen went to jail for doing his bidding.

Seems two tiered to not tie up that loose end.

But you see. They are pretty stupid in their corruption.

What I find funny about this is that the exact same people who are freaking out about Twitter and Facebook cooling the Hunter Biden laptop story for a couple of days think that Trump illicitly paying for a catch and kill is perfectly fine.

That is one of the things I find amusing about this.


It is all bias and election fraud.

Biden surrogates think he can’t win. They are not helping him though.


They know there isn’t anything there.

It is intended to be a side show.

Just look at the ridiculous arguments here.


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Not for an illegal business expense.


He did. Here’s why. You must’ve missed it the first time.

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Trump supporters….

What will it take for you to believe Trump is the most corrupt person to ever take office?

is it the fact that he cheated on every wife he’s had?
Is it the fact that he’s been found liable for fraud, by a court, 3 times?
Is it the fact that he paid hush money to a porn star ( that he cheated with while Melania was pregnant) to affect the outcome of the election?
Is it the fact that he directed his aides at Mar a Lago to hide classified material and then lie about it?
Is it the fact that he oversaw a scheme to have fake elector attest that they were real electors in order to steal the election?
Is it the fact that he oversaw a scheme to steal voter information directly from a voting machine?

I could on… but seriously… what does it take?

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Who was the co conspirator?