Poll: Restoring the Trump tax "cuts" . . . . is research a good thing?

A lot of people would consider research and technology a good thing.

  • A pesticide company is trying to develop a safer insecticide with less environmental impact.
  • A drug company has a promising new cancer treatment, but more research is necessary.
  • an American semiconductor company is close to developing ultra-thin silicon chips to compete with those made in Taiwan, but needs more research.

Under Donald Trump’s temporary tax “cuts,” (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, TCJA), a company that spent $1billion on research could act, (for tax purposes) like it had spent $1billion on research. Research was treated like every other expense. Since an expense is not a profit, money spent on research was not subject to profit-tax.

Under Joe Biden, in 2022 the TCJA expired.

Donald Trump wants to renew the “cuts.” Dems are opposed, calling it corporate welfare, a corporate giveaway, a tax loophole etc. etc… To my knowledge no other country in the world does this. No other country gives research special punitive treatment like this.

How do you feel?

  • Donald Trump is right. Research expenses should be treated like any other expense.
  • The Libs are right. Research is bad. It should be treated as a bad thing. Only foreign companies should it and they should do it only overseas. Research expenses should be given special tax treatment punishing companies that do research.
0 voters

I think allowing companies to write off research is absolutely a good thing.


Obviously it makes sense to me.
A research expense should be treated like an expense, not like a profit.
Gross revenue minus expenses equals profit.

Why should research expense be punished with special tax treatment designed to encourage it? Must be some throwback to the Luddite days (circa 1911) when people thought mechanized weaving machines would be the end of society and would necessitate UBI.

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And if the research (which absolutely should be a legitimate deductible expense!) results in a product that generates spectacular profits, then tax the profits like any other profits.



Besides, research is so important the gov’t sometimes pays for it outright.