Politics in the next 4 Years

Trump supporters have spent 4 years belittling their opposition in both parties, doing there best to gleefully “trigger” non-Trumpers and your upset that everyone opposed to Trump is building alliances?

I suppose those anti police idiots just arrested in Michigan felt they were not being heard.

Its hard to build an alliance with someone charging you for treason with Russia based on concocted lies, some of which appear to have come from Russian disinformation given to Steele.

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They have to take the Senate first. If they can’t take the Senate then Biden is impotent…politically as well as likely…

A centgov-ist. It’s what wcd9973 is calling for. I suspect he represents a ton of libs out there. (Harris and Biden among them. Remember, Biden pledged to shut it all down if things got worse.)

I’m not upset about anything. I enjoy kabuki and adore revolutionaries.

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If Trump wins reelection, I wonder if they will be so keen for an automatic national plan?

Heck… Kamala said last night she won’t take a vaccine that Trump endorses.

That’s TDS at its finest.


She will when he puts it in the ANP, it will be automatic.

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Yes. That is exactly what a plan is. And again, if you are going by % and rate per 100,000 why do demographics matter.

And yes, it needs to come from somewhere because it’s not been done. Forget automatically, even give me recommendations. Show me the plan the Govonor of Texas uses. You said there is a plan and it s10% but refused to answer what happens at 10%.
What is even the guidlines?

  1. Or lower everything open, over 10% everything closed?

Is that the entire plan on texas? That’s a great example why we can’t get this under control and why we need a national plan then. Because there doesn’t seem to be one.

If I’m a reasturant or bar (or school, of stadium, or Anything) when do I know when I might be forced to close and for how long? If I am close how do I know when I can reopen?
If I’m a parent when do I know if the schools will be open or close? What will trigger what restrictions? Even as a recommendation?

Right now, for most places it’s all just winging it.CDV has guidelines on what metrics to look for but no guidlines on what should happen on Each phase.

Is amazing that you ask what should be done but the ideas that “1st-we should have a plan” is to much for you.

That’s always going to be first step and we don’t have one.

If Kamala is the D choice in four years, her debate proves then…she has a serious problem…Pence.

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How are laymen going to know the answer to that question.

The solution is out there.

Just because the solution eludes you and I, doesn’t mean there is not one.


I don’t think Pence will run.

I don’t think Harris can win.

If Pence doesn’t run in 2025 then we have a serious problem on the GOP side.

I will not support the sort of doomed to lose establishment rino’s that were nominated so often before Trump.

I think millions would agree with me on this.

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And then there’s this thread.

Definitely a message about the future.

Politics in the next 4 years?
Same as the last 4.

I’m loading up on popcorn.

Pence couldn’t win. He’s forever tied to Trump now. Besides, he has the charisma of an oak tree.

He could win.

Now describe Biden’s charisma for us? :sunglasses:

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